Download and install - abria/TeraStitcher GitHub Wiki

TeraStitcher is available in two different versions:

  • TeraStitcher: standalone application available with both command-line interface and Qt-based graphical user interface (GUI).

  • TeraStitcher-Vaa3D-plugin ( deprecated): plugin for the free visualization-assisted analysis software tool Vaa3D.

This is a deprecated project. We still provide these binaries for users interested to use TeraStitcher from within Vaa3D as described in our Nature Protocols paper. However, we strongly encourage to download and use TeraStitcher instead, which has the same GUI and workflow as the Vaa3D plugin, but includes the most recent bug fixes and improvements.

We provide, for free (see LICENSE), up-to-date binary packages (Windows, Linux, MacOS). We provide also cross-platform compilable source code up to release 1.11, including CUDA support to the align algorithm.

Binary packages >>>

Available for Windows 7+, Linux Redhat/Fedora/Ubuntu/CentOS, and MacOS 10.6+ users.

Get and build source code >>>

Easy CMake-based cross-platform build process.