Getting Started - abraker95/ultimate_osu_analyzer GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is going to run through downloading the app and getting it to run.

You will need Python 3 to run this app. This has been tested with Python 3.7.3, however you can try your luck with other Python 3 versions. You can download Python here:

You will need to download the code for the app. You can do so by "Clone or download" button on the right of the main page:

After downloading, extract the "ultimate_osu_analyzer-master" folder to your desired location. Next you will need to open cmd console. You can do so by typing in "cmd" in the address bar in the app folder and hitting enter:

If you have multiple Python versions installed, commands may differ slightly from min. But generally it will be either or similar variant of pip, pip3, or pip37 and python, python3, or python37. If you still have issues running pip with multiple python versions installed, you can also do python3 -m pip as a replacement for pip.

First make sure you have all the needed libraries by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt. This will download a bunch of libraries needed to run the app.

Finally, run the app by running the command python