connecting to loihi - abr/telluride-nengo GitHub Wiki

If you're using an Intel provided Loihi, speak to them about connectivity. In that case you'll want to perform the installation instructions on the VM they provide.

  1. To connect to the ABR Loihi boards, talk to Chris or Terry to get an account.

  2. From your laptop,

    You're now connected to the super host (, which is interacting with two different Loihi setups, Nahuku and Wolf Mountain.

  3. Add the ip address of the loihi to your hostfile. First edit the file:

    mkdir ~/.nxsdkconf
    echo $IP_ADDRESS > ~/.nxsdkconf/hostfile

    Where $IP_ADDRESS is for Wolf Mountain or for Nahuku, depending on which one you were assigned.

  4. You can then ssh into the board you have been assigned to, if desired. Wolf Mountain:

    password: neuromorphs


    password: neuromorphs

  5. From there you can monitor jobs on the chip by doing the following

    sudo journalctl -f -u n2driverservice

    This will let you see what the chip is doing (and if someone else is using it).

  6. At this point you want to open another terminal to the super host ( and follow the installation instructions, and then start running models.

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