Features - about14sheep/survey-donkey GitHub Wiki

MVP List:

SurveyDoneky, a SurveyMonkey clone, is a site that allows users to create and share custom surveys so they can get feedback from customers and employees in order to improve their business.

1. User profile creation, login and demo account

  • Create profile with username, email, password
  • From their dashboard page users have the ability to create a survey, edit/save surveys in progress, publish/share surveys, delete surveys.
  • Also on the dashboard users will be able to see surveys they have created and participated in, and will be notified if one of their surveys has a new response.
  • Users will be able to fill out surveys.
  • Users can upvote surveys

2. Survey Creation

  • Users will choose the name of their survey.
  • New survey created in a database, references the user ID
  • Then users are able to choose the type of question and add custom questions.
  • Once questions are finished the user will submit the survey, survey saved to db
  • Users will be presented with a survey creation editor that allows them to add questions and preview current survey status.

3. Question Creation

  • Question types:
    • Multiple choice
    • Fill in the blank (drop down of options)
    • True/False
    • Short Answer
    • Scroll (1-5 rating)
  • Users will create a question for the survey one question at a time.
    • Users are given a form with a text field where they can write their question, followed by a drop-down menu to choose the question type.
    • Selecting save adds question to preview form

4. Survey results

  • Once a survey is filled out, a submit button (only active while all questions are filled out and validated) will update results in the database.
  • Depending on the type of question, the answers will post to specific tables so that the app can analyze survey results.
  • For each question, include results depending on question type:
    • Short answer questions will have a link to a table with all provided responses.
    • Multiple choice, fill in the blank, and scrolls will have bar chart showing responses
    • True false will be represented with a pie chart

5. Users will be able to rate and upvote surveys

  • Surveys can be sorted by popularity

6. Heroku hosting and Database management

7. High-quality README.md and documentation

Bonus Objectives:

  • Ability to make surveys private
  • Different survey templates.
  • Extra advertisement about why user should use survey donkey on the home page.
  • allow users to add different aesthetics to surveys
  • Give users the ability to email surveys