8. Week 8 Learning and Applications Page - aboatwr/R4R GitHub Wiki

This Week's Lesson

This week we learned how to interact with containers in Docker Hub


  • I am still a little bit unclear about how to use containers specific to my research, but I think I just need to try a few things in docker hub and learn as I go.

Capstone Update


  • This past week I achieved my short-term goal with regards to my code:
    • I went through all of my python code, renamed each code file with a more intuitive name, and commented out the code. The file names are numbered so that the viewer can determine which order to run the files easily. I also recorded which data files are required as inputs to each code file and which data files are outputted from each code file. image
    • I haven't quite finished the readme file for the code which explains the role of each code file, but I am almost done.
  • I also organized all of my data and removed datafilee from the main directory that I am no longer using.


  • Short-term goal: Finish documenting python code. Begin documenting STATA code that is completed (I am not done with all my analysis). This week I will also be incorporating new data into my project, so I want to make sure to clearly document and organize my code as I go.
  • Mid-term goal: Fully document all code and data used in summer/fall 2022 research project so that it can be replicated by my team
  • Long-term goal: create a container for the project (I think this will be useful: link to how to create a docker hub container w/stata code)