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Further details and examples on using easy-deployment features
Apache (passenger)
Seamlessly configure your VirtualHost
in sites-available
from your application source code.
Integrated backup to Amazon S3 via the backup
Don't run out of disk space. Ensure your rails logs are rotated frequently.
Deployments running slow? See which steps are taking the longest.
Other common deployment patterns
Deploying with rvm
If deploying with RVM, Add gem 'rvm-capistrano' to the development group in Gemfile, and use the following in your deploy.rb or staging.rb etc:
require "rvm/capistrano"
set :rvm_type, :system
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.2-p290'
Using gem groups to limit installation of a gem in certain environments
# Gemfile
group :staging
gem 'mailcatcher'
# deploy.rb
set :bundle_without, defer { ["development", "test"] + fetch(:stages) - [fetch(:stage)] } # Bundle without other stage environments
This sets the bundle_without
variable to ["development", "test", "staging"]
for a production deploy for example.