Function Method Pointers in Delphi - ablealias/Delphi GitHub Wiki

Delphi allows you to take the address of a function, procedure or method and use that address to call the routine. For the sake of simplicity, all three kinds of pointers are called procedure pointers. A procedure pointer has a type that specifies a function’s return type. See the example below,

   TProcedureType = procedure(Arg: Integer);
   TFunctionType = function(Arg: Integer):String;
  Proc : TProcedureType; {procedure variable}
  Func: TFunctionType;
  Proc := ProcedureName;

You can assign a procedure to a procedure variable directly. You can also use the @ or Addr operators to get the address of a routine. A common way to test a procedure variable for nil pointer is with in the Assigned function.