Description - abinayaramachandran/Facebook-Tweet GitHub Wiki
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tweet.jsp :Is a JSP page showing the main page of the application, which allows users to enter the tweet, post the tweet and send the tweet as a message. This page also retrieves tweets of a particular user and displays it and allows the user to delete if needed. It also displays tweets which are popular of all the users.
**friendstweet.jsp ** : This JSP page displays all the tweets posted by the user’s friends except for the tweets of user.
getmytweet.jsp : This JSP page displays any tweet when clicked on it and the count of how many times it has been viewed and the date and time that tweet was created.
toptweet.jsp : This JSP page displays the tweets created by the user’s friends in the order of most viewed tweets first and the least viewed at the last. Here tweets are sorted in descending order according to their view count.
GaeStoreServlet : This java servlet allows to make a connection with the datastore, to create an entity and set properties to that entity via the information collected from the user from the http request made by the user. This property is set to the entity through the doGet method of the servlet.
FBTweetServlet : This java servlet is to set the content type in which the response needs to be received from the http request made by the user.