VIM Cheat Sheet - abhishekkhare/UNIX GitHub Wiki
Editing Files With VIM
Navigation Keys
- h -> Move Left.
- j -> Move Down.
- k -> Move Up.
- l -> Move Right.
- i -> Insert Mode.
- ESC -> Command Mode.
Quitting and Saving
- :q -> To Quit(This is only possible if no change has been made)
- :q! -> To Quit and ignore the changes that have been made since the last save.
- :w -> To Save
- :wq -> To Save and Quit.
Advanced Insertion Mode
- i -> allows editing from the current position of the cursor.
- I -> Takes the cursor to the beginning of the line and goes into Insert Mode.
- a -> Append, allows editing from next to the current location of the cursor.
- A -> Takes the cursor to the end of the line and goes into Insert Mode.
- o -> Adds an empty new line after the current cursor line, and moves the cursor to the new line.
- O -> Adds an empty new line before the current cursor line, and moves the cursor to the new line.
Replacing, Changing, and Word Movement
- r -> Replace a single Character. (After r, press the character u want to replace with)
- R -> Takes you into a Replace Mode, you can continue to replace multiple characters, unless you exit the Replacement Mode.
- w -> cursor skips from one word to another and goes to the beginning of the word(by punctuation).
- W -> cursor skips from one word to another and goes to the beginning of the word(by space).
- e -> cursor skips from one word to another and goes to the end of the word(by punctuation).
- E -> cursor skips from one word to another and goes to the end of the word(by space).
- c -> Change whatever we specify, it is used in combination with other modifiers. Try c + e.
- C -> Deletes the entire line.
- x -> Deletes the current cursor character.
- X -> Deletes the before cursor character.
- d -> deleted whatever we specify, it is used in combination with other modifiers. Try d + e.
- D -> Delete to end of current line.
Copy, Cut, and Paste (Works only within the VIM)
- y -> Yank(Copy) whatever we specify, it is used in combination with other modifiers. Try y + e + p. Y - Yank the current line. Try Y + p. p - Paste after the cursor's position. P - Paste before the cursor's position. d - Delete whatever we specify, it is used in combination with other modifiers. Try d + e + p. D - Delete to the end of current line (But also copy it - 'Cut').
Count Modifiers and Skipping Lines
- gg -> Skip to the beginning of a document.
- G -> Skip to the end of a document.
- number + G -> Skip to that line number.
- number + j -> Go number lines below the cursor location. Similarly number + another command.
- d + number -> deletes the number of lines from the current position of the cursor.
- d + gg -> delete everything above the current cursor line.
Searching and Replacing
- / -> Search some text in forward direction.(Special Character would require escaping with ).
- ? -> Search some text in the reverse direction.
- n -> next instance of the searched text.
- N -> previous instance of the searched text.
- :beg,ends/query/replace/flags -> Search and Replace syntax.
- :1,10s/carrot/bacon/ -> Go thru line 1 to 10 find every first occurrence of "carrot" in a line and replace it with bacon.
- :1,10s/carrot/bacon/g -> Go thru line 1 to 10 find every occurrence of "carrot" in a line and replace it with bacon.
- :%s/carrot/bacon/g -> Go thru entire document and find every occurrence of "carrot" in a line and replace it with bacon.