Local Development - abeyang/a2f-Medium-Hatch GitHub Wiki
Getting Started
For Mac users:
- Get PHP working (first answer at Stack Overflow) (for Mountain Lion Users)
- Get localhost up and running (simple command line entry)- you'll know it's working when http://localhost does not return an error
- Enable .htaccess
- Set up a Github account, and tell Abe your username (you'll need to do this to get access to this repo)
- Download mac client of Github (or if you prefer command line)
- Clone this repo into /Library/WebServer/Documents/
- Test http://localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch/. Click around.
- Log into http://localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch/panel. Click around.
- If it works -- yay, you're done! If not, go to Troubleshooting.
For PC users:
- Find out if pc is 32- or 64-bit.
- Download/install wamp. When you download wampserver, download Visual C++ when it prompts you. When installing wamp, download it to user folder (I put it in C:\Users\Howard). Type in 'localhost' for smtp and your email for domain, when prompted.
- Download/install git. Keep all defaults unless you're doing something crazy. **New: follow [this] (http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/git-on-windows-for-newbs/) too.
- [Download/install github for windows] (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git). Open github on local machine and go to tools-> options to configure. Enter name, email. Make sure default storage directory is set to C:\Users\yourname\wamp\www **New: download git GUI here
- [Set up htaccess] (http://www.shariff.org/how-to-enable-htaccess-in-wamp-server.html)
- Click 'Clone in Windows' from [abe's repository] (https://github.com/abeyang/a2f-Medium-Hatch). Make sure http is chosen for read-write access.
- Test at [localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch] (http://localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch). Click around
- Log in at [localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch/panel] (http://localhost/a2f-Medium-Hatch/panel). Click around to see if it works.
Trouble Shooting
Panel mentions something about permissions
First, you need to have ownership over the entire directory (as opposed to root, which is on by default). Inside parent directory, do:
chown -R yourusername .
For good measure, change the group to "wheel":
chgrp -R wheel .
Afterwards, in the parent folder, run the following two lines of code:
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0747 # For directories
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0666 # For files
Update config and .htaccess files
To be written...
Localhost works, but clicking around doesn't
Most likely, your .htaccess is being overlooked. Quickest fix is to edit site/config/config.php, and change rewrite to false:
c::set('rewrite', false);
Do note, however, that it's still ideal to get your new url structure working...
Misc Notes
Bootstrap Changes
Typically, I don't like modifying the root Bootstrap files. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. Here are the modified files (all modifications within the files have my initials next to them):
- variables.less