Requirements - aberatcan/trivia-game GitHub Wiki


  • 1. User: A person who want to play the quiz game.
  • 2. Questions: 10 multiple choice questions that are fetched from the trivia database.
  • 3. Multiple Choice: There are 4 Choices for each question.The choices are fetched from the trivia database.
  • 3. Joker: The right of disable two wrong answers.
  • 4. Timer: The time limit of each question. A question must be answered in 15 seconds.
  • 5. Point System: A user earns points by each true answer of each question according to remaining time.
  • 6. Category Options: Category of questions.
  • 7. Difficulty Selection: Selection of difficulty (easy, normal, or hard).
  • 8. Check Animation: An animation that is shown when users answer a question correctly.
  • 9. Game Over Animation An animation that is shown when users answer a question wrong.

Project Requirements

User Requirements

  • Users shall be able to see Welcome Page, Question Page, Correct Answer Page, and Wrong Answer Page.

  • Welcome Page

    • Users shall be able to see description of the game.
    • Users shall be able to select difficulty of questions.
    • Users shall be able to start a game.
  • Question Page

    • Users shall be able to see the current question number and total question number.
    • Users shall be able to see point table.
    • Users shall be able to see timer.
    • Users shall be able to see choices of question.
    • Users shall be able to use a joker.
  • Correct Answer Page

    • Users shall be able to see a check animation.
    • Users shall be able to see the points that are earned in answered question.
    • Users shall be able to see total points that are earned so far.
    • Users shall be able to move to the next question.
  • Wrong Answer Page

    • Users shall be able to see game over animation.
    • Users shall be able to see total points.
    • Users shall be able to start a new game.

System Requirements

  • System shall provide Welcome Page for each user.
  • System shall provide 10 different question for each user considering user's difficulty choice.
  • System shall provide point system.
  • System shall provide provide Question Page for each user that start the game.
  • System shall provide a joker for each user.
  • System shall provide Correct Answer Page for each user that answers question correctly.
  • System shall provide Wrong Answer Page for each user that answers question wrong.