Today I Learned - abdullahbintahir/Python-Snippet GitHub Wiki

26 Sep 2023

1. That there is a "Praise" feature in MS Teams
2. There are useful meeting options when creating a meeting i.e. chat, host, recording
3. Index Match can be used to return the array and not just a single answer
4. Name manager can be used as variable storage containing just a formula
5. If you click on the reference in Name Manager, it will select the reference on spreadsheet
6. Data validation can take a name reference containing an array
7. Learned English words "Gluttony" and "Sloth"

27 Sep 2023

1. That if the data is formatted as a Table, and if you reference only a column number in Index function, it will ignore the header

28 Sep 2023

1. Excel dosent have placeholder text option. However, if you want placeholder to ensure it doesn’t come in the way of calculation, place a textbox instead 

29 Sep 2023

1. Attendee name can be "Confidential" if there are legal reasons behind it
2. "Book now" button in Request module will show up if "Airfare" is the only expense line item

3 Oct 2023

1- When experimenting with Data or Code, always save a backup before
2- If date is categorized as "Text", the system will not sort it right, you will have to change data type

4 Oct 2023

1- Go to pivot table settings to fix the width of the column
2- Go to pivot table settings to get rid of old data showing in Slicer

20 Oct 2023

1- In "For" loop, you need to use the syntax Columns("L").cells otherwise, just columns wont work
2- If you want to check if the cell is hidden, use cell.entirerow.hidden=true/false. Without entirerow, it wont work
3- To exit a For loop, use Exit For

Vba errors
Subscript out of range ---object not found
Select method of worksheet class failed ---syntax has ".Select" which is an issue
object variable/ with block variable not set---variable not found
Type mismatch error---->trying to perform operation on different variable type i.e. dividing string by integer