Partsmart interface - abcsoftware/abc-docs GitHub Wiki

The Partsmart seamless interface allows Partsmart and ABC to share information. It is an optional module and the ABC dealer will need to add it to the server's FMT file. This page describes the server and client configuration steps.

  1. Set up the prefix cross-reference in the 0 screen. Import the partsmart.742 file with 7-42. Then go to the 0 screen and use Alt+T to select the Partsmart file. Create a cross-reference for each prefix used in Partsmart.
  2. On each client workstation, create a folder called C:\abcfiles. Save the partsmart.bat file to the new folder.
  3. In Partsmart, click Utilities > Partsmart Options. In the Business System field enter: C:\abcfiles\partsmart.bat.
  4. When using Partsmart to access part info, make sure the ABC Client is on the Inventory screen.
  5. To add parts to a work order, first go to a work order in ABC and then double-click the parts in Partsmart.
