_data/analytics.yaml: Google Analytics Tracking ID.
_data/authors.yaml: List of authors, author image, and twitter handle for SEO plug-in.
_data/colors.yaml: Primary color to be used for Android/Windows Phone web browser color theme.
_data/footer.yaml: List of footer links to be generated at the bottom of each page.
Add nofollow: true to add rel="nofollow" to the footer link.
_data/navigation.yaml: List of navigation links to display in the navigation header on each page. The first link should be the website author/brand which will link back to the homepage. The first link will not highlight when hovered.
_sass/__config.scss: Change the primary/additional colors to the website theme, adjust the content breakpoints used in the media queries, alter padding used for general sections, adjust the maximum width for the main content, font type, etc.
_config.yml: Adjust the main configuration settings for the Jekyll website.
.travis.yml: Contains the configuration used by Travis-CI.
CNAME: Changes the accepted CNAME record read by GitHub.
index.html: The homepage of the website, but the front matter contains special configuration for my website.
Rakefile: The Rakefile used for testing, but the html_proofer task contains unique filters to my website..