2024‐02‐01 - aasiyahrashan/PhD-Aasiyah GitHub Wiki

Meeting with Abi and Matt about the prolonged MV model

  • Actions are on the document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L6F5gK6I0ihrMBOutkTZxfVCGbzy1CWSHZ4Apx8hSds/edit#heading=h.2owqv0fyypeq
  • Remove APACHE II from the model - there's no real justification for including it, and it causes collinearity.
  • Instead, include SOFA or its components. No real substitute for platelets though.
  • Use Charlson for comorbidities
  • Split tables so there's one with all possible variables in the appendix
  • Add histograms for distribution of variables
  • Write out justifications for everything in the methods section
  • Use complete case analysis - if have time, do normal imputation