Updating indi allsky - aaronwmorris/indi-allsky GitHub Wiki


Normal upgrade

  1. Navigate to the current git clone

     cd indi-allsky
  2. Stop indi-allsky & gunicorn

     systemctl --user stop indi-allsky
  3. Pull the latest changes via git

     git pull origin main
  4. Re-run setup.sh to configure system. This step is not always required, the indi-allsky service will usually indicate when it is necessary.

    • If you get a message about repositories not being valid, you may have to re-enable NTP time sync

        sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
  5. Restart indi-allsky

     systemctl --user start indi-allsky

Manual upgrade

Note: This does not upgrade Python modules. If you have problems with modules, recommend using the setup.sh script.

  1. Navigate to the current git clone

     cd indi-allsky
  2. Stop indi-allsky & gunicorn

     systemctl --user stop indi-allsky
     systemctl --user stop gunicorn-indi-allsky
  3. Pull the latest changes via git

     git pull origin main
  4. Upgrade the database schema

     flask db revision --autogenerate
     flask db upgrade head
  5. Increment the config version level

     ./config.py edit
     (save the config with no changes)
  6. Restart indi-allsky

     systemctl --user start indi-allsky

Web-only upgrade

  1. Navigate to the current git clone

     cd indi-allsky
  2. Pull the latest changes via git

     git pull origin main
  3. Re-run web_only_setup.sh to configure system


Docker upgrade path


Rename master branch to main

The master branch was renamed to main on Feb 17, 2023. The following commands may be used to rename the branch on your local clone.

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a