Misc Folder - aaronwmorris/indi-allsky GitHub Wiki


Contents of the misc/ folder in indi-allsky

Script Description
aurora_cron.py Updates aurora and smoke data for remote installs of indi-allsky
build_indi.sh Downloads and compiles indi and indi-3rdparty
convert_db.py Migrates data from SQLite to MySQL database
example_ccd_temp.py Example script for external CCD temperature data
example_ccd_temp.sh Example script for external CCD temperature data
import_darks_frames.py Imports existing dark frames into database
libcamera_enable_dpc.sh Re-enables Defective Pixel Correction for libcamera
rebuild_pyindi-client.sh Re-builds pyindi-client, ignoring cached wheels
setup_gpsd.sh Install and basic setup for gpsd
setup_hotspot.sh Setup basic WIFI hotspot using NetworkManager
setup_mosquitto.sh Install and basic etup for mosquitto MQTT broker
setup_rtc_i2c.sh Setup of I2C real-time clock module
setup_usb_automount.sh Setup of udisk2 automount for USB devices
upgrade_web.sh Simplified setup.sh replacement for web-only installs of indi-allsky
upload_sync.py Script to retry failed uploads
usertool.py CLI user management tool for indi-allsky
validate_db_entries.py Validates image and video files referenced in the database