MQTT Broker Publishing - aaronwmorris/indi-allsky GitHub Wiki


indi-allsky has the built-in capability to publish data from your all sky camera to an MQTT broker service.

You can find the settings related to the MQTT service in the configuration form.

Home Assistant Auto-Discovery

Included is a script to publish the auto-discovery topics for Home Assistant. The script only requires a few seconds to run and only needs to be run once. Images and other sensors related to your allsky camera will automatically populate on your dashboard.

First, setup the MQTT integration in Home Assistant. After the integration is enabled, run the script below. If you run the script before the integration is setup, no entities will be displayed. Just re-run the script again.

source virtualenv/indi-allsky/bin/activate



The default base topic is indi-allsky/. This can be overridden in the config section.

Topic Type Data
indi-allsky/latest bytearray Latest binary image
indi-allsky/sqm float SQM value
indi-allsky/stars int Number of stars detected
indi-allsky/exp_date str Exposure date and time
indi-allsky/exposure float Last camera exposure
indi-allsky/bin int Camera bin value
indi-allsky/temp float Last camera temperature reading
indi-allsky/sunalt float Sun altitude
indi-allsky/moonalt float Moon altiude
indi-allsky/moonphase float Moon phase %
indi-allsky/mooncycle float Moon cycle %
indi-allsky/moonmode bool True if indi-allsky has detected moon mode
indi-allsky/night bool True if indi-allsky is in night mode
indi-allsky/latitude float Latitude
indi-allsky/longitude float Longitude
indi-allsky/sidereal_time str Sidereal time
indi-allsky/kpindex float Global Kp-index
indi-allsky/ovation_max int Max Aurora Ovation score for location
indi-allsky/smoke_rating str Smoke Rating
indi-allsky/aircraft int Count of visible Aircraft (ADS-B)
indi-allsky/cpu/user float User CPU Usage (percent)
indi-allsky/cpu/system float System CPU Usage
indi-allsky/cpu/nice float Nice CPU Usage
indi-allsky/cpu/iowait float IO Wait CPU Usage
indi-allsky/cpu/total float Total CPU Usage
indi-allsky/memory/user float Memory Usage (percent)
indi-allsky/memory/cached float Cached Memory Usage
indi-allsky/memory/total float Total Memory Usage
indi-allsky/disk/root float Root Filesystem Usage (percent)
indi-allsky/disk/MOUNTPOINT float Filesystem Usage (for each mountpoint)
indi-allsky/temp/SYS/LABEL float Temperature
Example for RPi 3: indi-allsky/temp/cpu_thermal/0
The System page will show the same names used in MQTT
Topic Type Data
indi-allsky/sensor_temp_0 float Camera temperature
float Reserved
float System Temperature Data
Topic Type Data
indi-allsky/sensor_user_0 float Camera temperature
indi-allsky/sensor_user_1 float Dew Heater Duty Cycle
indi-allsky/sensor_user_2 float Dew Point
indi-allsky/sensor_user_3 float Frost Point
indi-allsky/sensor_user_4 float Fan Duty Cycle
indi-allsky/sensor_user_5 float Heat Index
indi-allsky/sensor_user_6 float Wind direction (degrees)
indi-allsky/sensor_user_7 float SQM Magnitude
float Reserved
float User sensor data

Local broker

Included in the repository is a script that an quickly deploy a Mosquitto MQTT broker to your system.

The script is at ./misc/ The script will ask for a password for the indi-allsky mqtt user.

Mosquitto will be setup with the following ports:

Port Service
1883 mqtt no encryption (loopback only)
8883 mqtt with encryption
8080 websockets no encryption (loopback only)
8081 websockets with encryption

MQTT clients

You can use a mqtt client such as MQTT Dash on Android to subscribe to a local mosquitto server and view the data published in real-time.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️