Configuration Reference - aaronwmorris/indi-allsky GitHub Wiki

Legacy Page

This page has not been updated in a while and is no longer maintained. There are many more settings in the config, but the config is fully managed via the web interface.


All configuration is read from the database. Almost all of the configuration is managed via the web interface. You may use the utility to manipulate the configuration from the command line.

Setting Default Description
CAMERA_INTERFACE indi (str) Default camera interface
INDI_SERVER localhost (str) Hostname for INDI server
INDI_PORT 7624 (int) Port for INDI server
INDI_CAMERA_NAME (str) Camera name (if multiple cameras connected)
CCD_CONFIG (dict) Indi configuration parameters for CCD
> NIGHT > GAIN (int) Gain/ISO for night time
> NIGHT > BINNING (int) Bin mode for night time
> MOONMODE > GAIN (int) Gain/ISO for moon mode
> MOONMODE > BINNING (int) Bin mode for moon mode
> DAY > GAIN (int) Gain/ISO for day time
> DAY > BINNING (int) Bin mode for day time
INDI_CONFIG_DEFAULTS (dict) Indi default configuration parameters
> PROPERTIES (dict) Indi properties (number)
> TEXT (dict) Indi properties (text)
> SWITCHES (dict) Indi switches
CCD_EXPOSURE_MAX 15.0 (float) Maximum exposure time
CCD_EXPOSURE_MIN Auto detected (float) Minimum exposure time
CCD_EXPOSURE_DEF CCD_EXPOSURE_MIN (float) Default/starting exposure
EXPOSURE_PERIOD 15.0 (float) Seconds between beginning of each exposure (Night)
EXPOSURE_PERIOD_DAY 15.0 (float) Seconds between beginning of each exposure (Day)
FOCUS_MODE false (bool) Focus mode is used to take exposures as quickly as possible to aid in focusing
FOCUS_DELAY 4.0 (float) Delay between exposures during focus mode
CFA_PATTERN (str) Override CFA pattern
SCNR_ALGORITHM (str) SCNR (green reduction) algorithm
WBR_FACTOR 1.0 (float) Red Balance Adjustment Factor
WBG_FACTOR 1.0 (float) Green Balance Adjustment Factor
WBB_FACTOR 1.0 (float) Blue Balance Adjustment Factor
AUTO_WB false (bool) Automatic white balance adjustment
CCD_COOLING false (bool) Enable CCD cooling
CCD_TEMP 15.0 (float) Target CCD temperature
TEMP_DISPLAY c (str) Temperature display conversion c = celcius, f = fahrenheit, k = kelvin
CCD_TEMP_SCRIPT (str) External script used for CCD temperature. Used when a camera does not support temperature measurements.
GPS_TIMESYNC false (bool) Sync system time from GPS
TARGET_ADU varies (int) Target image brightness to calculate exposure time
TARGET_ADU_DEV 10 (int) Deviation +/- from target ADU to recalculate exposure time (night)
TARGET_ADU_DEV_DAY 20 (int) Deviation +/- from target ADU to recalculate exposure time (day)
ADU_ROI [] (array) Region of interest to calculate ADU (x1, y1, x2, y2) - Note: ROI calculated using bin 1 coordinates, scaled for bin value
DETECT_STARS true (bool) Enable star detection
DETECT_STARS_THOLD 0.6 (float) Star detection threshold
DETECT_METEORS false (bool) Enable meteor detection
DETECT_MASK (str) Image file to use for detection mask
DETECT_DRAW false (bool) Draw detected objects on original image
SQM_ROI [] (array) Region of interest for SQM and Star detection
LOCATION_LATITUDE (float) Your latitude for astrometric calculations
LOCATION_LONGITUDE (float) Your longitude for astrometric calculations
TIMELAPSE_ENABLE true (bool) Enable timelapse, keogram, and star trail creation
DAYTIME_CAPTURE true (bool) Perform day time image capture
DAYTIME_TIMELAPSE true (bool) Generate timelapse from day time images
DAYTIME_CONTRAST_ENHANCE false (bool) Perform CLAHE contrast enhancement on day time images
NIGHT_CONTRAST_ENHANCE false (bool) Perform CLAHE contrast enhancement on night time images
NIGHT_SUN_ALT_DEG -6 (degrees) Altitude of Sun to calculate beginning and end of night
NIGHT_MOONMODE_ALT_DEG 0 (degrees) Altitude of Moon to enable night time "moon mode"
NIGHT_MOONMODE_PHASE 33 (percent) Minimum illumination of Moon to enable night time "moon mode"
WEB_EXTRA_TEXT (str) File to include in web info box
KEOGRAM_ANGLE 0 (float) Angle of image rotation for keogram generation
KEOGRAM_H_SCALE 100 (int) Horizontal scaling of keograms
KEOGRAM_V_SCALE 33 (int) Vertical scaling of keograms
KEOGRAM_LABEL true (bool) Label keogram timeline
STARTRAILS_MAX_ADU 50 (int) Max ADU/brightness of image to be included in star trails
STARTRAILS_MASK_THOLD 190 (int) Minimum threshold for star mask generation for star trails
STARTRAILS_PIXEL_THOLD 1.0 (float) Cutoff percentage of pixels in mask to eliminate images from star trails
STARTRAILS_TIMELAPSE True (bool) Generate star trails timelapse video
STARTRAILS_TIMELAPSE_MINFRAMES 250 (int) Minimum number of frames for star trails timelapse
IMAGE_FILE_TYPE jpg (string) Image output type, jpg or png
IMAGE_FILE_COMPRESSION (dict) Default compression values for image types
IMAGE_FOLDER (string) Base folder to save images
IMAGE_LABEL true (bool) Add image timestamps labels
IMAGE_LABEL_TEMPLATE (str) Template for image label
IMAGE_EXTRA_TEXT (string) Filename containing extra text for image
IMAGE_DEBAYER Auto detected (string) OpenCV debayering algorithm
NIGHT_GRAYSCALE false Convert image to grayscale at night
DAYTIME_GRAYSCALE false Convert image to grayscale during day
IMAGE_ROTATE (str) Image rotation (cv2 enum)
IMAGE_FLIP_V true (bool) Flip images vertically
IMAGE_FLIP_H true (bool) Flip images horizontally
IMAGE_SCALE 100 (percent) Image scaling factor
IMAGE_CROP_ROI [] (array) Region of interest to crop image (x1, y1, x2, y2)
IMAGE_SAVE_FITS false (bool) Save raw FITS image data
IMAGE_EXPORT_RAW "" (string) Export raw images this file format
IMAGE_EXPORT_FOLDER (string) Folder to export raw tiff files
IMAGE_STACK_METHOD average (string) Method to use for image stacking
IMAGE_STACK_COUNT 1 (int) Number of images to stack (1 = disabled)
IMAGE_STACK_ALIGN false (bool) Register/align images
IMAGE_ALIGN_DETECTSIGMA 5 (int) Alignment sensitivity
IMAGE_ALIGN_POINTS 50 (int) Alignment sensitivity
IMAGE_ALIGN_SOURCEMINAREA 10 (int) Alignment point minimum area
IMAGE_STACK_SPLIT false (bool) Split screen stack
IMAGE_EXPIRE_DAYS 30 (days) Number of days to keep original images before deleting
TIMELAPSE_EXPIRE_DAYS 365 (days) Number of days to keep timelapse, keogram, and star trails before deleting
FFMPEG_FRAMERATE 25 (fps) Target frames per second for timelapse videos
FFMPEG_BITRATE 2500k (kilobytes) Target data rate for timelapse video compression
FFMPEG_VFSCALE "" (str) Scaling option for ffmpeg
FFMPEG_CODEC libx264 (str) Codec for encoding timelapse videos
TEXT_PROPERTIES (dict) Default text properties (font, size, etc)
> FONT_FACE (str) OpenCV font name
> FONT_HEIGHT 30 (pixels) Font height
> FONT_X 15 (pixels) Font X offset
> FONT_Y 30 (pixels) Font Y offset
> FONT_COLOR [200, 200, 200] (array) R, G, B font color values
> FONT_AA LINE_AA (str) OpenCV antialiasing algorighm
> FONT_SCALE 0.8 (float) Font scaling factor
> FONT_THICKNESS 1 (int) Font weight
> FONT_OUTLINE true (bool) Enable black outline of text
> DATE_FORMAT %Y%m%d %H:%M:%S (str) Date string format
ORB_PROPERTIES (dict) Sun and moon org drawing properties
> MODE ha (str) Orb Mode - ha = Hour Angle, az = Azimuth, alt = Altitude , off = Off
> RADIUS 9 (pixels) Radius of orbs
> SUN_COLOR [255, 255, 255] (array) R, G, B Color of sun orb
> MOON_COLOR [128, 128, 128] (array) R, G, B Color of moon orb
FILETRANSFER (dict) File tranfer configuration
> CLASSNAME (str) File transfer class
> HOST (str) Hostname for file transfer
> PORT 0 (int) Port for file transfer (null for protocol default)
> USERNAME (str) Username for file tranfer
> PASSWORD (str) Password for file tranfer
> PRIVATE_KEY (str) Path to a private key file (ssh)
> PUBLIC_KEY (str) Path to a public key file (ssh)
> TIMEOUT 5.0 (float) Timeout for file transfer before failing
> CERT_BYPASS true (bool) Bypass certificate validation for file transfers
> REMOTE_IMAGE_NAME latest.{0} (str) Python template for remote file name of latest image, extension is automatically selected from IMAGE_FILE_TYPE
> LIBCURL_OPTIONS {} (dict) Additional libcurl options for pycurl based methods
> REMOTE_IMAGE_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload latest image
> REMOTE_METADATA_NAME latest_metadata.json (str) Filename for remote metadata upload
> REMOTE_METADATA_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload metadata
> REMOTE_VIDEO_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload time lapse videos
> REMOTE_KEOGRAM_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload keograms
> REMOTE_STARTRAIL_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload star trails
> REMOTE_ENDOFNIGHT_FOLDER (str) Remote folder to upload Allsky EndOfNight data
> UPLOAD_IMAGE 0 (int) Upload latest image every X frames
> UPLOAD_METADATA false (bool) Enable upload of image metadata
> UPLOAD_VIDEO false (bool) Enable timelapse video uploads
> UPLOAD_KEOGRAM false (bool) Enable keogram uploads
> UPLOAD_STARTRAIL false (bool) Enable star trail upload
> UPLOAD_ENDOFNIGHT false (bool) Enable EndOfNight data upload. This is the data.json file for
MQTTPUBLISH (dict) MQTT configuration
> ENABLE false (bool) Enable MQTT publishing
> TRANSPORT tcp (str) MQTT Transport - tcp or websockets
> HOST (str) MQTT/Mosquitto server
> PORT 8883 (int) MQTT port, 1883 = standard, 8883 = TLS
> USERNAME (str) MQTT user
> PASSWORD (str) MQTT password
> BASE_TOPIC indi-allsky (str) Base topic for MQ messages
> QOS 0 (int) MQTT QoS for messages
> TLS true (bool) Use TLS for MQTT connection
> CERT_BYPASS true (bool) Bypass certificate validation for MQTT connection
FITSHEADERS (array) FITS headers
LIBCAMERA (dict) libcamera configuration
> IMAGE_FILE_TYPE dng (str) Image type for libcamera
> EXTRA_OPTIONS (str) Extra options for libcamera-still