Step 1: Ask the Right Questions - aaronpanch/idea-board GitHub Wiki
Designing your API involves taking a step back and asking, what is the UI going to ask for? Below we've included some user stores (in a general sort of order) to get started:
User Stories
- As a user, I can see a list of submitted ideas, so that I can vote on ideas I like and see what others have submitted.
- As a logged in user, I can submit an my own idea, so I can track interest on my potential talk.
- As a logged in user, I can vote on an idea I like, so that the submitter can give a talk and I can learn cool things.
- As a logged in user, I can unvote for an idea so that I can clean up ideas I mistakenly voted for.
- As a logged in user, I can comment on an idea so that I can ask questions or add additional information.
Questions to Consider
With the above stories,
- What type(s) will we need?
- What are some queries we'll need? Mutations?
Take some to note the things we'd like to make before continuing to the next step. Let's tackle the first user story first!