x Group Meetings x - aaronkopplin/Metallic-React-Native GitHub Wiki

All meetings are @ 4pm unless otherwise stated.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Final Report Due Wednesday 4/28/2021 @4pm
  • Project Presentations on Wednesday 4/28/2021 @ 4pm

4/28/2021 | Wednesday Final Presentations '33'

4-5pm Zoom meetings to present poster and showcase project Final Report Due Business casual (Dress shirt / polo)

4/26/2021 | Monday '32'

Work On Final Report

4/21/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '31'

Poster Slides Due @12pm Work on Lightning talk video and presentation slides

4/19/2021 | Monday Meeting '30' Upcoming

sprint 5 due Work on finalizing project and Poster/Lightning talk

4/14/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '29'

Sprint 5 progress and begin report

Fix Account Creation

Fix up Screen Designs to a sleek uniform designs

4/12/2021 | Monday Meeting '28'

Sprint 5 Work

4/7/2021 | Wednesday Presentations '27'

Sprint 4 Presentation day

4/5/2021 | Monday Meeting '26'

Sprint 4 Presentation Due

Peer Review Due at 4pm

4/3/2021 | Saturday Meeting '25' @2pm

Sprint 4 presentation work day

3/31/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '24'

Sprint 4 progress

Merging everyone's work together to one branch and Zen hub cleanup

3/29/2021 | Monday Meeting '23'

Individual Progress? Continue working on Sprint 4

Image storage and retrieval finished by Myren

Recent Chats screen setup by Brad and Aaron

Payments Screen backend work by Josh

3/24/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '22'

Sprint 4 progress Normal work day

Some Progress on few areas

some functionality with firebase storage

Cleanup of contacts page

Research into real-time database for firebase and synchronizing payment memos

Some work on recovering account through mnemonic

3/22/2021 | Monday Meeting '21'

Begin Sprint 4 and Wrap up Sprint 3

Finished Sprint 3

Added some issues to Zen Hub

3/17/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '20'

Sprint 3 report work time

3/15/2021 | Monday Meeting '19'

Reconvene on progress

3/12/2021 | Friday Meeting '18' @ 9am

See what's up

3/08/2021 | Monday in Class '17'

Sprint 2 Class Presentation

  • Presentation Day
  • Mental Health Day Wednesday

3/03/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '16'

Sprint 2 report work and general work day

3/01/2021 | Monday Meeting '15'

Reconvene on progress

2/24/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '14'

Continue Progress on Sprint 2

Further progress on Zenhub for estimates and tasks

Divy up areas to be worked on.

2/22/2021 | Monday Meeting '13'

Wrap up any lingering details for Sprint 1 report Begin Planning Sprint 2 goals and divide up tasks.

2/19/2021 | Friday Meeting '12'

Start Sprint report

Began working on sprint report

Arron and Josh worked on beginning wireframing of app with more screens

Brad and Myren solved issues that prevented the app to run on their machines periodically.

Zenhub practice and realization of burndown chart. whups

2/17/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '11'

Reconvene on progress and next steps

Style format we wish to use going forward

Navigation between screens.

Firebase sign in and arguments.


Tab Navigation | Wireframing | Update Styles | Master styles sheet

2/15/2021 | Monday Meeting '10'

Reconvene on progress of app so far.

Changed from MangoDB to Firebase for database with react-native

Laid out uml document for Flowcharting app navigation and features

Setup basic account creation with Firebase | need to rewire and stylize login page.

2/12/2021 | Friday partial-Meeting '9.5' @9:30am

Brad and Josh work on wire framing with react

Wire framing for Login button and 'Don't have an account' button

Separated screens in the app to work using their own individual .js files

2/11/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '9'

Begin/Continue Sprint 1 progress

Utilize/add react navigation library. Look into tutorials for programming and creating page details within React.

Begin work on database

Installs needed to run React Navigation stack and container

npm install @react-navigation/native

npm install @react-navigation/stack

npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view

If on windows: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

expo install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view

2/9/2021 | Monday In Class '8'

Feasibility Presentation.

2/5/2021 | Friday Meeting '7'

Continue working on Feasibility Presentation.

2/3/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '6'

Feasibility Presentation Workday

Started feasibility report and populating it for the presentation.


Zenhub tutorial / populating the workspace.

Continue working on feasibility report.

2/1/2021 | Monday Meeting '5'

9am - 9:30

Prospectus Review with professor

Offload crypto payment outside of app to avoid hang ups

Legal issues, may / may not be worth it?

React native app vs android?

P2P data storage vs server/database

Aim for workable product rather than being nit picky.



React Native Tutorial / Familiarization

Swap Github over to react native

Languages / Content to install: Node.js / Expo / VS Code extensions from video if you want to

Zenhub Tutorial

1/27/2021 | Wednesday Meeting '4'

Get app working in android studio.

Import and Testing web3 j (Tutorial or other help guide)

Begin working on some app stuff

Front End of App for login and other stuff.

Smart Contract implementation in Java.

Back end stuff.

1/25/2021 | Monday Meeting '3'

Began working on prospectus

TODO: Each member add their respective background and growth areas.

1/22/2021 | Friday Meeting '2'

Meeting with professor to gain direction on project.

What kind of app are we aiming to make?

Logistics back and forth with username stuff

Biggest hurdle / prevention from being able to make our app?

App itself is transaction based, so how big of a role will crypto serve?

Html 5 can store local data

React native vs IOS Native vs Android Native

1/20/2021 | Monday Meeting '1'

First Meeting of the group.

Introduced project pitch and idea to the group

Brief summary of Crypto and Block Chain and how it works

Mobile app vs Desktop App?

Ethereum as currency platform.

Group Meetings Every Monday and Wednesday @4pm