Pages in the app - aareano/ifshop-wiki GitHub Wiki
All of the following pages are accessible from the navigation drawer.
This page shows all of your rules grouped by event class. There are 12 event classes:
- Carts
- Checkouts
- Collections
- Customers
- Customer Groups
- Fulfillments
- Fulfillment Events
- Orders
- Order Transactions
- Products
- Refunds
- Shop
From this page you have some options to edit rules in place, or you can click into a rule to access its edit page.
Hint: A rule's "last active" date was when it was last triggered by its event.
This page lets you know what ifshop has been up to. The graph shows you how many actions (not rules) have been executed in a particular time frame (blue indicates ifshop was able to execute the action successfully, red indicates failure).
On the right, the activity log shows you a timeline of the actions that have occurred most recently. The colored circle indicates whether ifshop was able to execute the action successfully (green) or not (red). Each item in the activity log has a menu that allows you to permanently delete the item, or navigate to the rule that contains that action.
Each ifshop rule tag that you've created will appear in as a link in the navigation drawer. Click on a tag link to see all of the rules with that tag. Equivalently, click on any tag that you seen on a rule to see the page for that tag.
For details on how and why tags are used, check out the details here.
Warning: If you create a rule from a tag page, you will not see the rule appear because the tag is not automatically applied (and so does not qualify to be shown on the tag page). Automatically tagging a rule when it is created from a tag page is a feature that's in progress.
When you add the app to your store, ifshop will give you a 7 day trial period during which you have access to the full feature set. Before or after your trial period ends, you can easily begin a subscription by heading over to the Subscription page using the navigation drawer. This will ensure that your ifshop service will continue seamlessly.
Upon subscription, you will be billed in your monthly Shopify payment. While your subscription is active, you'll have access to the full feature set of ifshop.
If your free trial ends before you subscribe, the app will become read-only. This means:
- You won't be able to create new rules
- You won't be able to edit existing rules
- You won't be able to edit ifshop rule tags
- You won't be able to delete activity log items
- You will be able to view your rule activity as it existed previous to the end of your trial period.
- You will be able to change your subscription status