Source Control How To - aaravsolutionsdotcom/amrdashboard GitHub Wiki

Source Control Practices for Billing project. Developers working on the billing project should strictly follow the following procedure while adding new features or making code changes.

git clone <url>

Before you start adding any new file or edit existing file. Do create your own branch called feature branch as explained below.

git checkout -b your-feature-name

your-feature-name is the name of your branch (name after what you are doing)

then start adding, committing files as usual. When you finish the work. Do the following to merge with develop branch.

git pull your-feature-name
git checkout your-feature-name

Do your changes, add/commit the files.

git add
git commit

Then push

 git push origin your-feature-name

Login to github account and create a new pull request.

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