DHCP is Down! - aaralik1/SYS-255 GitHub Wiki

To begin, in ad02, go to "All servers" and the right click on ad02 and choose the "Add Roles and Features option" This will bring you to this window;


Then, use the default settings until you get to Roles. Then select the "DHCP Server" option and wait for the installation. Repeat the same step for fs01. The DHCP Server may be under Remote Administrator System Tools in the features section.


Following this, go to DHCP on the Server Manager and find DHCP from the "Tools." This will bring you to DHCP. Then expand until you see IPv4 and right click on it and choose the "New Scope" option shown in the image below;


This will bring you to the New Scope Wizard and you will need to give it a scope name and adjust the IP address range which I ended up doing Then, I chose the length as 24 and the subnet mask as After that, I had to configure the default gateway which I used the IP address for that. I then was able to complete the scope and saw it appear under IPv4. To test this, I went to wks02 and I typed ipconfig /all and there it was the DHCP Server appeared!