Instruction RDF - aantakli/AJAN-service GitHub Wiki

An Instruction Description resource is the result of a executed MMU as described in chapter MOSIM Plugin Action Definitions.

Basically, an Instruction Description resource from RDF type mosim:Instruction (where mosim: is the @prefix of has the following parameters:


  • <Instruction> is a RDF Blank Node representing a Instruction Resource


  • @prefix rdf: <>
  • @prefix mosim: <>

RDF Structure: MWalkPoint

Subject Predicate Object Literal Description
<Instruction> rdf:type mosim:Instruction
<Instruction> mosim:mmu <xsd:string> Motion Type; e.g. "Pose/Idle"
<Instruction> mosim:actionName <xsd:string> Action Name; e.g. "IdleX"
<Instruction> mosim:instructionID <xsd:string> UUID of the Instruction; e.g. "27bdc2d4-82b9-4723-9a7a-52c1ac03b9dd"
<Instruction> mosim:actionURL <xsd:string> URL of the SBT Action Node; e.g. http://localhost:8090/rdf4j/repositories/behaviors#IdleTest
<Instruction> mosim:actionID <xsd:string> UUID of the SBT Action Node; e.g. "a1f5e47a-a2a0-4f7cac1fbfd931d51ad1"
<Instruction> mosim:timestamp <xsd:string> Timestamp in the form of "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"

Optional RDF Predicate: Path Length, created by the MOSIM Path Available Node:

Subject Predicate Object Literal Description
<Instruction> mosim:jsonInstruction <xsd:string> JSON representation of a MInstruction

MWalkPoint resource example stored in the Agent Knowledge

@prefix mosim: <> .

_:abce # Instruction Instance URI
	rdf:type mosim:Instruction ;
	mosim:mmu mosim:Instruction ;
	mosim:actionName "IdleX" ;
	mosim:instructionID "27bdc2d4-82b9-4723-9a7a-52c1ac03b9dd" ;
	mosim:actionURL mosim:Instruction ;
	mosim:actionID mosim:Instruction ;
	mosim:timestamp "2021-09-01'T'14:55:34.3455"^^xsd:string ;
	mosim:jsonInstruction "{
		'Action':null,'Instructions':null,'..." ;