HLTE Task RDF - aantakli/AJAN-service GitHub Wiki

Basically, an HLTE Task resource (the RDF representation of a High Level Task Editor (HLTE) Task) from RDF type mosim:Task (where mosim: is the @prefix of http://www.ajan.de/mosim-ns#) has the following parameters, by using the resource URI http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Task/{$.workers.[*].tasks.[*].taskid}:

The reference to the selected task instance in the HLTLE JSON file is: $.workers.[\*].tasks.[\*] and represented below as task.


  • <Task> is a URI representing a Task Resource: http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Task/{task.taskid}
  • <Part> is a URI representing a Part Resource: http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Part/{task.part.type}/{task.part.id}
  • <Tool> is a URI representing a Tool Resource: http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Tool/{task.tool.type}/{task.tool.id}


  • @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
  • @prefix bt-mosim: <http://www.ajan.de/behavior/mosim-ns#>

RDF Structure: Task

Subject Predicate Object Literal Description
<Task> rdf:type mosim:Task
<Task> mosim:taskId <xsd:int> from JSON: {task.taskid}
<Task> mosim:step <xsd:int> from JSON: {task.step}
<Task> mosim:operation <xsd:string> from JSON: {task.operation}
<Task> mosim:part <Part> e.g. http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Part/DrillPoint/11
<Task> mosim:tool <Tool> e.g. http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Tool/Wrench/12

RDF Structure: Part

Subject Predicate Object Literal Description
<Part> rdf:type mosim:Part
<Part> mosim:type <xsd:string> from JSON: {task.part.type}
<Part> mosim:id <xsd:string> from JSON: {task.part.id}

RDF Structure: Tool

Subject Predicate Object Literal Description
<Tool> rdf:type mosim:Tool
<Tool> mosim:type <xsd:string> from JSON: {task.tool.type}
<Tool> mosim:id <xsd:string> from JSON: {task.tool.id}

Task 2 (Tighten Loose) representation in the HLTE

Task 2 (Tighten Loose) representation as JSON

  "taskid": 458,
  "step": 1,
  "operation": "Tighten Lose",
  "part": {
    "type": "DrillPoint",
    "id": "11"
  "tool": {
    "type": "Wrench",
    "id": "12"

Task 2 (Tighten Loose) stored in the Agent Knowledge

@prefix mosim: <http://www.ajan.de/mosim-ns#> .

<http://www.ajan.de/ajan-mapping-ns#Task/458> # Instance URI
	a mosim:Task ;
	mosim:taskId 458 ;
	mosim:step 1 ;
	mosim:operation "Tighten Lose" ;
	mosim:part [
		a mosim:Part ;
		mosim:type "DrillPoint" ;
		mosim:id "11"
	] ;
	mosim:tool [
		a mosim:Tool ;
		mosim:type "Wrench" ;
		mosim:id "12"
	] .
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