Home - aalfiann/reSlim GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the reSlim Documentation
- Get Started
- How to use
- Setup Multiserver Rest API
- Setup SMTP with Gmail
- Structure Folder
- Tutorial Create Module
reSlim documentation will always be updated and may change at any time
We created several simple function on the test.router.php which is located at src/router/.
You can learn from there
I recommend you to use PostMan an add ons in Google Chrome to get Started with test.
- Import reSlim.sql in your database then config your database connection in config.php inside folder reslim/src/
- Import file reSlim.postman_collection.json in your PostMan. File is located at reslim/resources/postman directory.
- Edit the request path in PostMan. Because the example test is using my path server which is my server is run in http://localhost:1337
The path to run reSlim is inside folder api.
Example for my case is: http://localhost:1337/reslim/src/api/
In short, It's depend on your server configuration. - Then you can do the test by yourself
reSlim is based from Slim Framework 3.
Learning Slim Framework 3 will make you easy to understand about reSlim project.
- Register account first
- Then You have to login to get the generated new token
The token is always generated new when You relogin and the token is will expired in 7 days as default.
If You logout or change password or delete user, the token will be clear automatically.
Username : reslim
Password : reslim
- PHP 5.5 or newer (last tested on PHP7.3)
- MySQL 5.6 or MariaDB
- Web server with URL rewriting
- Apache or NGINX Server
Here is the available modules created by reSlim author >> reSlim-modules. -
UI Boilerplate
Here is the basic UI template for production use with reSlim >> reSlim-ui-boilerplate.