Branch 1 fsnamesystem - aajisaka/hadoop-metrics GitHub Wiki
- FilesTotal
- Current number of files and directories
- BlocksTotal
- Current number of blocks
- CapacityTotalGB
- Total raw capacity including non-dfs used space in GB
- CapacityUsedGB
- Total used space by data nodes in GB
- CapacityRemainingGB
- Total raw capacity non-used in GB
- CapacityTotal
- Total raw capacity including non-dfs used space in bytes
- CapacityUsed
- Total used space by data nodes in bytes
- CapacityRemaining
- Total raw capacity non-used in bytes
- CapacityUsedNonDFS
- Total used space by data nodes for non-dfs purposes in bytes (calculated by CapacityTotal - CapacityUsed - CapacityRemaining)
- TotalLoad
- Current number of active datanode Xceiver connections
- CorruptBlocks
- Current number corrupt replicas (see HDFS-5189)
- ExcessBlocks
- Current number of excess blocks
- PendingDeletionBlocks
- Current number of blocks pending deletion
- PendingReplicationBlocks
- Current number of blocks pending replication
- UnderReplicatedBlocks
- Current number of blocks under replicated
- ScheduledReplicationBlocks
- Current number of blocks scheduled for replication
- MissingBlocks
- Current number of missing blocks
- BlockCapacity
- Current number of block capacity
- StaleDataNodes
- Current number of data nodes marked stale due to delayed heartbeat
For more details, see