Heroku CLI deployment set up - aac5ts/parse-server-app GitHub Wiki

  1. Add Heroku as a remote to your local git repo:

    $ heroku git:remote -a <your-app-name>
    $ git remote -v

    You should see your Heroku remote in the list

  2. Make a change to your code to test deployment. Navigate to base directory of your local repo. Open the file index.js in a text editor of your choice. On line 36 change the message that is displayed on the landing page of your Parse Server. Maybe change it to "Welcome to <your name>'s Parse Server!"

  3. Commit your changes:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "your commit message here"
  4. Deploy your changes to Heroku by pushing your committed changes to the master branch of your heroku remote:

    $ git push heroku master

    You should see the console output from the build

  5. Once the build succeeds, make sure it worked. Go to http://<your-app-name>.herokuapp.com. You should see the landing page with your updated message.

  6. Later, you should probably create your own remote for your code. (Other than the Heroku remote, and other than my repo)

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