Hands on class instructions - aac5ts/parse-server-app GitHub Wiki
###Heroku Set-up (pre-work)
Create Heroku account.
Add credit card (for mLab add on).
Download CLI.
Run the command
heroku login
in terminal and enter your creds to test.
###Deploy Parse Server
Just hit this button:
You many have to login to your Heroku account
Fill in an app name.
Change the server url to match your app name. It should look like
. Leave all other defaults for now. -
Hit "Deploy for free". Wait a bit.
Hit "View". You should see a message "Welcome to your Parse Server!".
###Test it out
Go to the provided Parse test page at
. You should be able to click through the steps. You are saving a GameScore object, fetching it, then testing a cloud code function. -
Back in Heroku, hit "Manage App".
Check out the Parse.Objects that were created behind the scenes. Heroku dashboard, click on the mLab add on. You should see the Object classes, and you should see the
object that was created when you clicked through the test steps. -
Let's find where this is happening in the test page code.
###Set up Heroku deployment
Go to the "Deploy" tab.
Clone the parse-server-app repo so that you can do local development:
NOTE: There is a way to do steps 8 and 9 together using the Heroku CLI, but it seems to not work...)
Go to the main page of this repo.
Clone or Download
and copy the URL. -
On the command line, navigate to where you want to clone the repo, then:
$ git clone <repo-url> $ cd parse-server-app
The repo should be here now.
Set up deployments - you have 2 options:
Heroku Git CLI
###Group Chat
Try out your group chat! Go to
. -
Did it work? No? Good! We still have work to do.
Take a look at the file
. You are missing your parse server URL. Fill in your url:https://<your-app-name>.herokuapp.com/parse
. It should match the server URL config var you set up in Heroku. -
Now, commit your change, deploy to Heroku, and see if it works!
Chat away!
Try to create a "who's online" functionality. Get creative!