Searching Finding and Selecting - aabs/fishdots GitHub Wiki


Full Text Search

Full text search is performed using the silver searcher utility.

Install using

sudo apt install silversearcher-ag

File search

File searching is performed using the standard unix find function


Selection is typically performed using the dialog utility.

Install using

sudo apt install dialog

fishdots_search <root_path> <pattern>

Find file by full text search pattern within the root_path folder

fishdots_find <root_path> <pattern>

Find item by name search pattern within the root_path folder

fishdots_find_select <root_path> <pattern>

Find item by name search pattern within the root_path folder and select using a menu

fishdots_search_select <root_path> <pattern>

Find item by full text search pattern within the root_path folder and select using menu

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