Column mappings - aaberg/sql2o GitHub Wiki
In many many cases it is not desired to call our java properties exact the same name as the corresponding column in the database table. The database designers would probably have called dueDate for DUE_DATE. After all, having a getter called getDue_date() is pretty ugly. The easiest solution for this, is to use aliases in sql queries as illustrated in the following example.
public List<Task> getTasksBetweenDates(Date fromDate, Date toDate){
String sql =
"SELECT id, description, due_date duedate " +
"FROM tasks " +
"WHERE duedate > :fromDate AND duedate < :toDate";
try (Connection con = {
return con.createQuery(sql)
.addParameter("fromDate", fromDate)
.addParameter("toDate", toDate)
Another approach is to add column mappings to the sql2o query. This can be accomplished by calling the addColumnMapping method as illustrated below.
public List<Task> getTasksBetweenDates(Date fromDate, Date toDate){
String sql =
"SELECT id, description, due_date " +
"FROM tasks " +
"WHERE due_date > :fromDate AND due_date < :toDate";
try (Connection con = {
return con.createQuery(sql)
.addParameter("fromDate", fromDate).addParameter("toDate", toDate)
.addColumnMapping("DUE_DATE", "dueDate")
If you have some common column names, that needs to be mapped in many of your sql queries, it is also possible to add default column mappings to the Sql2o instance. These column mappings will automatically be applied to all queries.
Map<String, String> colMaps = new HashMap<String,String>();
colMaps.put("DUE_DATE", "dueDate");
colMaps.put("DESC", "description");
colMaps.put("E_MAIL", "email");
colMaps.put("SHORT_DESC", "shortDescription");