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Explanation of Firefox permissions required by BSP2


Mouse clicks and modifiers summary table


Keyboard shortcuts


Advanced searching documentation (as of 2.0.65)


Notes on the BSP2 trash and on the Bookmark history window


Library of alternate folder icons (as of 2.0.74)


Documentation of main CSS ids and HTML attributes


Debugging BSP2 / reporting errors


Limitations & TODOs


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Release notes:

(North Americans: The dates in the following list are in format DD/MM/YYYY.)

Please find here the release notes, TODOs, and some limitations I know of today.

  • 2.0.133 19/01/2025 Improvements
  • 2.0.132 22/12/2024 Bugs and Improvements
    • Added traces on bookmark creation for bookmarks with unknown parentId (can happen when restoring bookmarks from a backup where the "Mobile Bookmarks" folder (id=mobile______) was existing, and is not existing in the restored to Firefox).
    • Systematically convert "place:" smart bookmarks into special folders now, and not just in case of migration from an old data set.
    • In case a special "place:" folder (= smart bookmark in FF) is in the BSP2 trash, do not point at it, nor remember it.
    • Better handle the case of multiple special "place:" special folders, at creation of a new one, or when reloading from FF API, and in particular remove the content of former instances, only keep the last instance in the bookmark tree as the one to dynamically use as "smart bookmark" special folder in BSP2. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/266
    • On hover, display the URL for folders which have an URL (e.g. special folders corresponding to smart bookmarks). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/266
    • Corrected a bug where dragging and dropping a protected object would leave an insert line highlighted at the point where it is dropped, when the drop is cancelled because this is a protected object.
  • 2.0.131 26/10/2024 Bugs and Improvements
    • Corrected a bug in the Bookmark history window where expanding/closing a multiple selection list was also expanding/closing the next multiple selection list(s) starting immediately after.
    • Improved the behavior of scoped searches to make them more consistent and stable: only change when the scoped search option is changed/reset, or when the content of the searchbox changes, or when the scoped bookmark is deleted. No change when another folder is cut and moved to another, for example. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/315
    • Improved the cleanup of current cursor when a row holding the cursor is deleted by deleting a parent folder in another FF window.
  • 2.0.130 22/09/2024 Improvements
  • 2.0.129 09/08/2024 Bugs
    • Corrected a regression on dragging empty folders, introduced in 2.0.128.
  • 2.0.128 03/08/2024 Improvements
    • Added protections in code when dragging BSP2 bookmarks from one FF instance to another: the receiving BSP2 is getting empty or null data transfers upon enter in some cases.
    • Added support for dragging BSP2 bookmarks from one FF instance to another, and support for dragging one bookmark from the native FF bookmark sidebar of another FF instance (cannot do more, nor support folders in that second case, since FF is not sending all data as in past in the "text/x-moz-place" case - note that the native FF bookmark sidebar has the same limitation and cannot do better). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/304
    • Added display of full path for folders on hover in the standard navigation, in the second line of the bubble. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/297
    • Changed the behavior of the option "On mouse hover above search result, show path to bookmark item instead of title + url" to "On mouse hover above search result, show path to bookmark item in addition to title + url". And changed the option text of course. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/291
  • 2.0.127 14/05/2024 Improvements
    • Change decodeURI() to decodeURIComponent() at front of any FF bookmark search, to further increase search results completeness, and tab favicon matching on tab switching or modification (reminder, it seems that the FF API does not interpret escape sequences, and so returns 0 result without this).
  • 2.0.126 09/03/2024 Bugs
  • 2.0.125 07/03/2024 Bugs
  • 2.0.124 25/02/2024 Improvements
    • Corrected some setTimeout() calls to not generate a Content-Security-Policy error (typically, "the page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at eval (script-src)").
    • Implemented a mechanism to self-clear local storage after 10 unsuccessful read attempts, to try to restart with a cleaned up local storage and default values. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/295
  • 2.0.123 20/01/2024 Improvements
  • 2.0.122 31/12/2023 Improvements
  • 2.0.121 30/12/2023 Improvements
  • 2.0.120 17/12/2023 Bugs
    • Corrected an exception in the history window on an undeclared variable, happening when a multiple action in the history was containing a separator (probably a regression which went undetected by my tests, but I can't retrace easily to when that particular modification was introduced). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/75
  • 2.0.119 05/11/2023 Bugs and Improvements
    • Added ability to force keeping folders open when Shift is pressed at same time than Enter or Click, when the "Only 1 open folder at a time" option is enabled (documentation also updated on ). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/284
    • Improved behavior on mouse clicks to avoid selection expansion when Shift or Ctrl are pressed at same time, when there is another action triggered by the mouse click. This is to avoid 2 effects at the same time (priority goes to the action, not to the selection extension / adjustment).
    • Improved behavior on opening the property popup window of a bookmark, by checking if there is already one open for that bookmark id, and if yes, by focusing on it rather than opening a new one.
    • Changed the way the bookmark property windows is acting, to match the new way FF is doing it since some time. It is no more changing values (title, url) in real-time, but it waits for the "Save" or "Add" button to be pressed to really make them happen. Therefore, the Cancel button is now simply closing the window, and not reverting to previous values. The old behavior was mimicking the one of FF in the past, when BSP2 was created some years ago.
    • When opening history, display the "nofavicon" image when a bookmark has the temporary or loading favicon image.
    • Corrected a regression where opening the bookmark history window was failing in retrieving the existing one if already open, and was opening another one.
  • 2.0.118 23/09/2023 Bugs and Improvements
    • Hide the reset filters button of the search box when it is not active. Only show it when there is something to reset. This avoids confusion, and simplifies the interface.
    • Added handling of right and middle clicks on the reset filters button, to avoid showing the FF native menus.
    • Added a menu-twistie button on the left of the search box in the sidebar, to show / hide an expanded menu, containing new buttons for undo and redo.
    • Added undo and redo buttons in the new expanded menu in the bookmarks panel, doing the same as Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y.
    • Added handling of Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y shortcut keys in the history window.
    • Enabled the undo and redo buttons in the history window, doing the same as Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y.
    • Modified the layout of the action buttons in the History window, and some of their naming.
    • Simplified slightly the CSS for panel.html.
    • Improved the contrast between hover and no hover on red buttons in the search box.
    • Modified behavior in the history window, to set the focus on the undo/redo cursor when it changes position.
    • Corrected a bug where a wrong title was displayed on the search button, when selecting a particular filter (folders or bookmarks only).
    • Corrected a bug when converting to new HistoryList format, where an old "inside multi" node placed in its parent was still appearing in the HistoryList.
    • Corrected a bug where navigating with keyboard in the history panel was selecting hidden (non expanded) rows.
    • Corrected a code exception happening when a node was created or changed inside BSP2 trash and the BSP2 trash was not visible (could happen on an undo/redo of a past action when BSP2 trash was visible, or when an action is made inside BSP2 trash from native FF bookmarks sidebar, or another add-on).
    • Corrected a code exception happening when an history node was created inside another history node, in case of a folder within a multi record, on undo/redo or on folder copy.
  • 2.0.117 08/09/2023 Bugs and Improvements
    • Added undo/redo support (for now only by keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y on the main panel - buttons, and Ctrl-Z / Ctrl-Y in the history window, will come in next version.
    • Added support for multiple create when copying a list of bookmarks or copying a folder with children, so that they group as one operation in history, and can be undone/redone in one go - until now, they were created as individual actions, not grouped. This required serious workaround work due to the fact that the FF API does not permit to set the id on bookmark creation, and does not have any room to pass some correlation id to recognize which creation corresponds to which history record.
    • Added support and handling of twisties in multiple records and undo/redo lists in the hisotry window, to hide or show rows below the twistie depending on its closed or open state.
    • Added capability to delete bookmarks from within the search result pane (both by keyboard and context menu) https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/273
    • Added handling of multiple selected bookmarks for "open in tab" action and its derivatives (new window, private window) in the context menu. Note: the menu entry will not be enabled if there is at least 1 folder in the selection. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/277
    • Corrected a bug where "Cut", "Copy" or "Del" were possible on a multiple selection containing protected bookmark items, violating their protection.
    • Added an option to deactivate the suggestions drop down on the search box. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/278
    • Relaxed a bit the filtering condition on favicon refreshes from tab updates, which was too stringent since 2.0.113 and was missing some valid cases.
    • Reworked the internal history structure to better handle operations of multiple bookmarks. Indexing is now showing the sequence number of the bookmark inside the multi operation relative to the parent multiple bookmarks record.
    • Added handling for deprecated options, removing them from local store when they still exist.
    • Improved history to record the target parent folder and index, in case of a multiple move or remove to trash, or in case of a create from trash by drag & drop or cut & paste (there can be always only 1 target in such multi move cases).
    • Improved history to contain the JSON of nodes moved to trash, like already done for removed nodes, to cover the case of later removal by disabling BSP2 trash, and then still be able to recreate them.
    • Added recording in history of actions on special folders, in "inactive branch" mode to show them but to prevent any undo/redo on them.
    • Changed the "redo" symbol in the history icons to a clockwise arrow ("undo" remains anti-clockwise).
    • Added display of undo/redo cursor as a top arrow at beginning of history list, pointing at no record but showing up, when there is no active record in history.
    • Protect code against exceptions on multiple BSP2 trashes (just take the first one) - apparently can happen in some odd cases involving multiple BSP2 instances with different versions.
    • Cleaned up internal messaging between add-on windows.
    • Just discovered that the add-on sidebar code is running even in windows which do not show any sidebar, like popups !! Added code to not continue, but to terminate the BSP2 sidebar code in such cases, to avoid unnecessary cpu usage.
    • Also noticed that since FF 66, there is a function in the add-on management panel, under the cogwheel menu, to manage add-on shortcut keys. So disabled in the options page the management of BSP2 shortcut key when running on FF versions under 60 or above 65 - only kept it modifiable for version 60 to 65. For other versions, it is only a read only set of fields showing the currently configured value. However, kept the Reset button active, as there is no reset to default button on the FF panel to manage add-on shortcut keys.
    • Deprecated the sidebarcommand_option option - new BSP2 is only using the value configured in FF, and is not additionally storing that in its set of options.
    • Corrected a bug where an incomplete multi bookmarks history record was not showing as red.
    • Corrected a bug where a multi bookmarks move to/from the BSP2 trash (when visible) would not be qualified as a "remove to trash" or "create from trash" in the history.
    • Corrected a bug where a multi bookmarks move to/from the BSP2 trash (when visible) would not be properly matched with the parent multi move record in the history.
    • Corrected a bug where an exception was occurring on some internal messages, preventing to display the BSP2 trash under specific conditions.
    • Corrected a bug where some BSP2 actions were not recorded in history when there was no special folder existing.
    • Corrected a bug where an exception was occurring on selecting a row under some conditions in the history window.
    • Corrected a bug where displaying an incomplete multiple or reversion node in history was making all next displayed nodes shown as incomplete also.
    • Corrected a bug where clicking on the text of the "Link undo/redo" or "Raw list" radio buttons in the history window was not triggering any action.
    • Corrected a bug where pressing Alt key on drag of URL shortcuts from the OS file explorer to BSP2 panel was not opening the edit properties window.
    • Corrected a bug where an action modifying search results (e.g. Delete bookmark) was unduly updating the list of suggested search terms, and was refocusing the keyboard input on the search box after search list timeout.
    • Corrected an exception on String.replaceAll() function, not available below FF77.
  • 2.0.116 11/05/2023 Bugs
    • Corrected a bug introduced in 2.0.114 where the setFontSize option was ignored due to a bad object property name (I really hate Javascript and all these non-typed languages which make people believe they go faster while in fact they just are allowed to introduce bugs by typos and get slower !). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/275
  • 2.0.115 11/05/2023 Bugs
    • Reverted to the use of hasOwnProperty() instead of the recommended Object.hasOwn(), since the latter is only supported as of FF 92. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/274
    • Corrected a bug where the search filters were not set to default values on new BSP2 installations.
  • 2.0.114 10/05/2023 Bugs and Improvements
    • Made the explanation text for "Advanced click" more understandable in the BSP2 options page. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/272
    • Cleaned and optimized code for managing options (no functional effect - was long due).
    • Corrected bugs on the BSP2 options page where some options values implied by other options where not showing real time.
    • Corrected bugs on the BSP2 options where some options values were saved as string rather than number.
    • Added a legend / label to the grouping boxes in the BSP2 options page, to be more explicit on their content.
    • Added a BSP2 option to add new bookmarks at start or at end (default) of a folder, when dragging and dropping to a folder, or when using an action on the right click menu of a folder. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/271
    • Removed a spurious reload of the sidebar when changing an option for the first time after a restart.
    • Added buttons to export and import settings on the BSP2 options page. The exported file is a json file. This can be used to propagate a BSP2 config, or to save settings for a reinstall later. Integrity and consistency checks are made on import, and tolerance for old disappeared settings or for new settings since last export have been included, to be able to restore in future a past config which can be quite old. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/267
  • 2.0.113 13/04/2023 Bugs and Improvements
  • 2.0.112 17/01/2023 Bugs
    • Fixed regression which was making the search pane height not remembered across BSP2 sessions, and not properly reset when disabling the remember sizes option.
  • 2.0.111 24/09/2022 Improvements
  • 2.0.110 11/08/2022 Improvements
  • 2.0.109 16/07/2022 Improvements
    • Palliate to FF bookmark search API apparently failing and returning 0 results when too many "&" arguments, to improve search results completeness and tab favicon matching on tab switching or modification.
    • Add a decodeUri() at front of any FF bookmark search, as it seems that the FF API does not interpret escape sequences, and so return 0 result -> To improve search results completeness and tab favicon matching on tab switching or modification.
  • 2.0.108 09/07/2022 Bugs and Improvements
  • 2.0.107 03/07/2022 Improvements
    • Do not accept drag & drops from FF History sidebar (or from History section in FF Bookmark Library), they are empty and provoke a BP2 reload. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/240
    • Now properly support multi-windows display of BSP2 toolbar icon, reflecting the active tab of each window, instead of one state for all.
    • Added dedicated support for tab switch event to refresh the BSP2 icon in the toolbar when changing tabs, to exactly correspond to the tab URL (as tab switching does not seem to generate an updated tab even anymore).
    • Added realtime update of BSP2 toolbar icon in all FF windows when a bookmark is created, modified or deleted.
  • 2.0.106 09/04/2022 Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.105 03/04/2022: Improvements
  • 2.0.104 15/03/2022: Bugs
  • 2.0.103 07/03/2022: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected a bug where the cursor top & bottom borders were not having a darker color as intended, when no focus on the sidebar.
    • Made hover color a bit lighter, to better distinguish from selection color.
    • Implemented multi-selection with Ctrl and Shift, on mouse and keyboard. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/29
    • Added display support of multi-selection in the Bookmark History window. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/29
    • Improved somewhat success rate on getting favicons from tab switches, by getting around an FF API limitation on browser.bookmarks.search(). https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1352835#c3
    • Extended history list of last search values to 5, and keep most specific search when there is an include match with a previously saved search string. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/217
    • Corrected context menu on Search pane which was showing undue choices for protected folders (e.g. Cut).
    • Corrected context menu on "Most visited.." and "Recent.." folders to not enable Paste into them.
    • Reintroduced support for FF below 58, which was broken by calls and options to match current browser theme.
    • Corrected bugs on the pre-FF64 (non-native) menus.
  • 2.0.102 20/02/2022: Improvements
  • 2.0.101 15/02/2022: Bugs & Improvements
    • Removed recent default FF style on the search text input which was showing a 2px outline on the input when typing text inside it, making it prominent compared to other items in the search box, and to the search box itself.
    • Added behavior of selecting all available text in the search text input when gaining focus, for easy replace by newly typed characters (to save deleting by backspace or by selecting all first).
    • Added the same behavior to Title and Address fields of bookmark properties, for easier editing.
    • Added intuitive behavior that pressing Enter in the search text, after search is complete, is selecting the first search result, so that up and down keys (and others ...) can be used on it to navigate or act directly by keyboard, without requiring first a mouse click on it.
    • Now enable refresh of favicons on tab switching when favicon fetching is paused (since this is not fetching, but this is the only available workaround so far to the FF limitation of not giving access to its favicons DB).
    • Optimized process of getting favicons on tab switching / tab reload / tab load with a new URL to minimize favicon updates, and corrected a bug where a bookmark with non resolvable favicon URL would inherit the favicon of previous URL in a tab, when changing URL of that tab to the one of the non resolvable bookmark.
    • Improved robustness on favicon fetching in case of page redirects responses.
    • Tuned fetch() parameters to increase favicon fetch success rates (removed some cases of Network TypeError related to cors value).
    • Added a start of (basic) HTML entities interpretation in favicon URLs to get a little more success on favicon fetching (e.g. & is & .. cf. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Entity).
    • Corrected a bug on favicon fetching where a fetch() timeout was not cancelled, and was randomly aborting a subsequent background fetch.
    • Corrected a bug where diacritic input keys for "type-to-find" were ignored. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/224
  • 2.0.100 28/12/2021: Bugs
  • 2.0.99 26/10/2021: Bugs
    • Corrected a regression on favicon refresh after a tab switch, introduced in 2.0.98.
  • 2.0.98 26/10/2021: Improvements
    • Implemented cleaner processing of keys, so as to pass back to FF non processed key events for further processing by it. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/194
    • Corrected a bug where the alternate no-favicon image was not properly handled in search result pane and in history window, when enabled. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/202
    • Corrected a regression where the bookmark item spacing option was ignored in the search result pane.
    • Corrected a bug of showing blank square favicon on bookmarks in the Most visited folder, when favicon fetching is disabled.
    • Corrected a bug where "about:" bookmarks were not protected in the Most visited and in the Recently bookmarked folders.
    • Corrected a bug where a tab was erroneously shown as bookmarked (and then the "Show Bookmark in Sidebar" action enabled), when corresponding to a bookmark in BSP2 trash, considered as deleted so not visible.
    • Tentative correction of a sporadic bug where a second instance of the sidebar would answer before the background task to messages of a first sidebar, leading to a synchronization lockup inside Private windows on Linux FF.
    • Added a context menu action to "Bookmark Tab Here" in the sidebar, inserting bookmark for current tab at cursor position, inside selected folder or before selected bookmark item. Press Ctrl at same time than click on menu action to open the Property window after creation, to edit the newly created bookmark. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/200
  • 2.0.97 05/10/2021: Bugs & Improvements
    • Allow wrapping to start of list, when searching for next bookmark item matching with typed sequence of alphanumeric characters. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/181
    • Corrected a bug where function keys like "F1" or special keys can result in a string search (e.g. bookmarks starting with "F1") https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/194
    • Added traces of messages exchanged with background task for chasing a sporadic case of synchronization lockup inside Private windows, in Linux FF. Activate through the traces option.
    • Enabled the path context submenu (to show path to selected bookmark) also inside BSP2, as an additional easy way to show path to a bookmark, for disambiguation or simply to find under which folder we are, on long lists inside lengthy folders, without having to scroll up to it. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/84
    • Improve key search by being both case and diacritics insensitive. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/199
    • Corrected a bug where image was replaced twice on favicon refresh happening on a nofavicon bookmark, resulting in an error message on the browser console.
  • 2.0.96 07/08/2021: Bugs
  • 2.0.95 07/08/2021: Improvements
    • Better highlight options in BSP2 options page which do not start with a checkbox or with another HTML input object, by starting them with a bullet and aligning them better with other options.
    • Introduced new function of BSP2 trash folder. This is to work around the fact that there is no "undo" on FF Bookmark API. This is a major preparation in support of undo/redo function, still to come in a future release. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled in the BSP2 options page if user does not like it. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/75
    • Made some code cleanup.
  • 2.0.94 24/07/2021: Improvements
  • 2.0.93 23/07/2021: Bugs & Improvements
    • Adjusted behavior to handle the MacOS Cmd key like Windows/Linux Ctrl key (and conversely handle MacOS Control/Ctrl key like the Windows/Linux Meta key). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/191
    • Replaced browser.extension.getURL() calls to browser.runtime.getURL(), as they are deprecated with FF 90+
    • Made "Match active FF theme colors" option default to true on new installs of BSP2 https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/190
    • On delete of a bookmark by keyboard, select the next one (or the previous one if none), to no lose keyboard focus. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/181
    • Added cursor move on typing alphanumeric characters, with a simple search algorithm (much less convoluted than native FF Bookmark sidebar, which is quite hard to understand / reverse engineer, and not very natural): when keystrokes are typed fast enough (faster than every 1/2 second), concatenate them as a string to search for the next bookmark item starting with them. When a keystroke is more than 1/2 second after last, re-initiate string used for search with that character only (and the ones typed after, sufficiently fast, if any). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/181
    • In search result panel, highlight folders by a simple round bullet instead of a twistie, which is misleading for some people who interpret it as being an "openable" item, and click on it in hope to see it open/close. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/84
  • 2.0.92 19/05/2021: Bugs
  • 2.0.91 05/05/2021: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.90 02/05/2021: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.89 07/02/2021: Improvements
    • When showing a row from a search result, unhide also all chidren of already open sub-folders on the path to that row : their content is meant to be seen, for consistency with their twistie open state. So far, content of sibbling folders which were open was not unhidden by the show action, forcing to click twice on twistie to close and open again to really see content.
    • When showing bookmark from toolbar star icon, or when going to parent, add action "Open parent folder(s)" in the context menu if the target was hidden, like with normal show bookmark action.
    • Changed max font size in BSP2 options to 20 pixels instead of 16. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/175
  • 2.0.88 26/01/2021: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where search result is including the Mobile bookmarks special folder, but it is not present in an API load / reload from Firefox, breaking the search display with an exception, and so showing a never ending spinning wait icon. Look like this is happening with fresh profiles, or more recent than my previous profile ...
  • 2.0.87 26/01/2021: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected an exception on undefined variable in code on drag & drop event handling (no visible effect, but cleaner code).
    • Do not execute action of opening bookmarks in current tab when BSP2 is in tab mode, to avoid inadvertently losing focus on BSP2 (except if explicitely demanded through the context menu, or by key modifiers like Alt). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/171
    • Made the Bookmark History retention duration configurable in days on the BSP2 options page (default = 30). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/168
    • Added a "Clear history now" button in the Options page, to remove all history records. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/168
    • Remove scrollbars when the sidebar width becomes very small (<= 40px), as they are not meaningful at such widths (content is barely visible), and such widths can never be reached normally (there is a minimum width for sidebar by FF which is much bigger), but this can help people using sidebar autohide CSS hacks in userChrome.css, when they are playing tricks to overcome bad drag & drop support in such hacks. Quite convoluted .. but some users are ready to go through that as we can see: https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/174
  • 2.0.86 21/12/2020: Bugs
    • Corrected a 2.0.84 regression where opening BSP2 in a tab was failing.
  • 2.0.85 20/12/2020: Bugs and Improvements
    • Added robustness and improved behavior to fully support a complete bookmark restore initiated from FF Bookmark Library ("Import and Backup" menu, then "Restore"). Workaround since FF does not support bookmarks.onImportBegan and onImportEnded (but Chrome does). This all should go smoothly now, or let me know.
    • Corrected a 2.0.84 regression of not being able to drag and drop the address bar into the bookmark tree, due to drop effect visual feedback changing from "copy" to "move". https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/167
    • Corrected a regression of insertion line not being removed when stopping a drag on a no-drop protection zone (e.g. on the dragged bookmark itself to cancel the drag).
  • 2.0.84 14/12/2020: Bugs and Improvements
    • Introduced internal code support for multi-bookmarks selection and drag & drop, first phase before delivering the function in UI in a next release. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/29 https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/163
    • Set bookmark selection on mouse down event instead of waiting for click, auxclick, contextmenu mouse-up events, to align curent selection with row dragged information (no such event fired when dragging, can lead to trouble, in particular when going to multi-bookmark selection).
    • Corrected a bug where middle button click on a search result was not selecting the item.
    • Added Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V keyboard shortcuts for Copy, Cut and Paste.
    • Corrected a bug where cut on a search result row was not dimming the corresponding row in the bookmark tree, and was improperly setting the no-paste protection zone when cutting a folder.
    • Aligned no-paste/no-drop protection zone for single bookmarks and separators to the same logic as folders = cannot paste / drop before itself.
    • Added no-drop protection zone when dragging bookmark items from another BSP2 instance or from FF native bookmarks, to avoid odd things like pasting a folder in itself (already protected when drag within same BSP2 instance). Note: for FF native bookmark sidebar originated drags, the protection happens only when the drop operation is complete, since the FF native bookmark sidebar doesn't give dragged values until moment of drop, so cannot show an interdiction sign on the mouse during the drag :-( ).
    • Disabled the no-drop protection zone when pressing Ctrl key while dropping, since this is a copy operation.
    • Added visual feedback on drag pointer to indicate when Copy (Ctrl key pressed), for BSP2 internal drags.
    • Added support for tab dragging from one FF window to a BSP2 sidebar running in another FF window.
    • Better support for any tab dragging into BSP2 bookmarks pane, even those with special "about:...." URLs.
    • Workaround for introducing back multi-tabs drag support, not supported anymore by FF API since version 71 :-(.
    • Added support for multiple URL shortcut drags from Windows, Linux and MacOS desktops and file managers to BSP2, and mono-bookmark drag from BSP2 to Windows, Linux and MacOS desktops and file managers. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/163
    • Do not fetch favicon when switching to a tab which has an internal icon chrome://global/skin/icons/, as this is generating a security exception.
    • Corrected a bug where "Refresh favicon" menu item was still active in FF native context menu when favicon fetching was disabled.
    • Do not refresh favicon on "file:" type of URLs.
    • Corrected a bug where the option to not include cookies on favicon fetching was not respected on manual favicon refresh from context menu.
    • Set transparency on the "no favicon" background, so that it doesn't look weird on colored backgrounds. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/165
    • Added option to change the "No favicon" icon to a custom one. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/165
    • Corrected a bug where the "Use alternate folder icon" checkbox was enabled although no image was loaded as as alternate folder icon.
    • Adjusted slightly the "Advanced click" option description for hopefully a more explicit one. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/162
    • Disabled F2 key on std bookmarks, a leftover of a try for in-place edit, not working well.
    • Now open BSP2 bookmark property popup, when in the context menu of a native FF bookmark (sidebar, history, toolbar ..) and clicking on the path of the bookmark item, inside the submenu of BSP2 added "Bookmark path" action. This is to overcome submenu size limits when path it too long, as well as to have a rapid access to BSP2 properties window. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/160
    • Code cleaning and optimizations.
  • 2.0.83 14/09/2020: Bugs and Improvements
    • Corrected a bug where hitting the "Enter" key inside the search box when no result table was displayed was generating an exception.
    • Added an option to only wait for "Enter" key (or "Enter" icon click) inside the search box to launch search, instead of also triggering search after 0.5s of key typing inactivity (native FF Bookmark sidebar behavior). This is for people who prefer something less interactive, and who can then type at their own rhythm. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/157
    • Show a "Enter" icon in the button at end of search box when changing its content, to launch search (same effect as pressing "Enter" key). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/157
    • Reduced delay for updating search results on events like search filters change, or bookmark item changes.
  • 2.0.82 22/08/2020: Improvements
  • 2.0.81 16/08/2020: Bugs and Improvements
  • 2.0.80 02/08/2020: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.79 20/07/2020: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.78 10/06/2020: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where all previous active records in bookmark history become inactive, on first bookmark action appended after a trim in history where 1 or more past records were removed.
  • 2.0.77 17/05/2020: Improvements
    • Added support for right-click on the search button (= magnifying glass at left of the search box), in addition to left click, to show the search configuration menu. This should to make it more accessible, depending on user habits.
    • Made the blue contour a bit thicker on the BSP2 star icon in the toolbar, to better see when the current tab is on a bookmarked URL.
    • Corrected a bug where tabs without a favicon, when "pause favicon" or "no favicon" fetching option was set, were prevented to activate properly the blue contour on the BSP2 icon in the toolabr.
    • Slight extra perf optimization as I discovered that for..of and for..in loops have a very costly impact on perfs (up to a factor of 8 per my own measurements on arrays of 10 items average size, but by a factor of 80 for an array of 1000000 items). From now, I will stop using that on arrays, and I converted existing ones into classical loops, only keeping for..in on objects. Cf. also https://www.incredible-web.com/blog/performance-of-for-loops-with-javascript/ as an illustration.
    • Corrected a bug on monitoring BSP2 sidebar open/close state in private windows. No visible effect, but cleaner code.
  • 2.0.76 28/04/2020: Bugs & Improvements
    • Added a Bookmark history window to examine the history of all recorded bookmark actions, as well as some meta actions (like BSP2 start, or reload). The window is refreshed real time when there are updates and it is open. It also shows the undo/redo cursor position in the history stack, as well as undo/redo operations triggered by BSP2 (undo/redo in the native bookmark sidebar cannot be identified as such by BSP2, which only sees them as normal operations). The window also shows details for each history record, and has a bunch of action buttons, not yet active, so it is only for browsing then. No undo/redo operation available either for now. The window can be open from the context menu on the BSP2 icon in the toolbar, or from the magnifying glass search button menu in the sidebar. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/75
    • Added Favicon in hstory of bookmark actions, for being able to show them in history window. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/75
    • Improved a bit robustness on de-synchronization detection. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/135
    • Corrected a bug where a search would list the Mobile special folder and trigger a spurious reload when it is empty. Probably due to a recent undocumented change in the Bookmark search API response.
    • Corrected a bug where a search would list the Tags special folder, triggering a spurious reload. Probably due to a recent undocumented change in the Bookmark search API response.
    • Corrected a bug where right clicking on the History, Downloads, Tags or All bookmarks special folders in the Bookmarks library was triggering a spurious reload.
    • Added indication on BSP2 icon in toolbar that a tab is recognized to be on a bookmarked URL, by a blue contour of the yellow star. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/137
    • Added contextual submenu on BSP2 icon in toolbar, active only on a tab with a bookmarked URL, to show in the sidebar the corresponding bookmark (opening BSP2 if it was closed). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/137
    • Reverted the show bookmark to non "smooth" move, as "smooth" appears to confuse the position to scroll to, and sometimes then does not show the real position of the row, but shifts by what seems to be a delta to old position. Less nice, but at least, it works all the time ! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1139745
    • Added function to auto open the Properties window when Alt key is pressed on dropping a drag for creating a new bookmark, as accelerator. Note that as consequence, if "Cancel" is pressed on the Property window, the bookmark creation is cancelled => "Ok" must be pressed to keep the bookmark, even if editing nothing. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/136
    • Added a link to the alternate folder icons repo in GitHub in the options page. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/138
    • Removed trace of the zoom value (devicePixelRatio) in the Browser console in Property window.
    • Removed protection from "about:" bookmarks which was set at very early versions of BSP2, this is of no use now, and was annoying because cannot mdrag & drop / move such bookmarks. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/140
  • 2.0.75 23/03/2020: Bugs & Improvements
    • Complemented drag & drop operations with full plain text (with indentation) and HTML representations, including folder title and recursive content, and separators. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/131
    • Corrected a bug where dragging a result to an external window could leave the non droppable zone active on the object being dragged (or on the zone covered by it when a folder), preventing to drop something on it later, until another drag & drop operation from the result or bookmark pane is started.
  • 2.0.74 18/03/2020: Improvements
  • 2.0.73 07/03/2020: Bugs & Improvements
    • Added option to show path instead of (title + url) in the tooltip bubble which appears when hovering above a search result. When the option changes while a search result is active, the search result will be refreshed accordingly. Same when a bookmark is moved while a search result is open and the option is set. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/129
    • Corrected a regression on non native FF menus introduced with 2.0.69 where clicking outside the menu was not sometimes closing it. Also improved the behavior so that now the menu is closing earlier, on mousedown rather than after the click, for more reactiveness.
    • Changed behavior in advanced mode when clicking on the active part of a bookmark result (favison or text), to only do the action of opening in tab, and not anymore also showing the bookmark. Now, only show when clicking the non active part (left and right of the bookmark item) of the result. Things unchanged for folder results, clicking anywhere on them shows them in the bookmark pane. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/wiki/Mouse-clicks-and-modifiers-summary-table-(as-of-2.0.73)
    • Added context menu item on BSP2 Browser Action button in the toolbar, to open BSP2 in a tab besides the current active one, as demanded by blankon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bookmark-search-plus-2/reviews/1491980/
  • 2.0.72 01/03/2020: Improvements
    • Now handle multiple favicon links in HTML pages for more robustness, picking the closest to 16x16, and then increasingly trying the other bigger ones if fetch error, until getting a good one. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/124
    • Fall back on the default /favicon.ico method when all other links fetching fail, again for more robustness in fetching favicons.
    • Detect HTML responses on favicon fetching which answer a 200 return code with HTML to say no object or page at this URL, to then try the next favicon link in the candidate list.
    • Also catch rel=icon links, without " or '.
  • 2.0.71 16/02/2020: Improvements
    • Detect a number cases of de-synchronization between BSP2 and FF (by receiving a notification from FF, or by getting a search result, on a bookmark which cannot be retrieved in BSP2 cache), and if so provoke an automatic reload of bookmarks through FF API to re-synchronize. When this happens, a message will be displayed in all active BSP2 sidebars to ask for waiting end of reload, and then they are all refreshed. Note that not all cases can be detected through this (e.g. cases where FF does not save BSP2 changes cannot be detected through that mechanism), but there is so far no mean to detect all cases anyway.
    • Added recording an history of bookmark actions, received from FF or made by BSP2, plus a few other actions (BSP2 start and Reload from FF API), to introduce support for undo and redo (Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y) later on with a non empty history. The history is trimmed to a 30 days length in past, at FF restart or at BSP2 restart (i.e. actions older than 30 days are forgotten). This will also serve later for a more elaborated history panel to be able to restore the bookmark state at any point in past time, or to replay past sequences in case they were missed by FF. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/75
    • Avoid recreating FF context menu entries on a reload, to avoid "already existing" error messages on browser console.
    • Added a bit more robustness on corrupted saves.
    • Added an Advanced submenu in the context menu, for FF versions >= 64 only.
    • Moved "Refresh favicon" action for Bookmarks into the Advanced submenu
    • Added "Collapse all in branch" and "Expand all in branch" actions for Folders into the Advanced submenu, also activable by shift-left and shift-right shortcuts on keyboard, for FF64 and higher. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/31
  • 2.0.70 12/01/2020: Improvements
    • Added key shortcuts in integrated context menus (FF >= 64), mimicking as much as possible native FF bookmark sidebar context menus key shortcuts, but resolving an ambiguity error on P which means both "Paste" and "Open in a new private window" actions in the native context menu. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/46
    • Better handle zooming in Bookmark property window to edit Title & URL. When zoom was different from the normal 100% (for example modified by Ctrl + mouse wheel), the property window was shifting in position across its open / close cycles, and if remember sizes option was set, its size was also changing. This because coordinates for save were obtained in CSS pixels, while they are used as physical pixels when updating window position and size, and when zoom is not 1.0, there is a difference between the two. Note: there is no way to reset the browser zoom value in FF by Javascript or CSS, so I will leave a trace of the zoom value in the browser console (Ctrl+Shit+J and check "Show Content Messages" option) so that users can adjust manually if they want. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/123
    • Disable Ctrl+mouse wheel zooming out and in in the sidebar and in the properties window, to avoid any accident. Now, only browser global settings or external wanted means (e.g. another add-on for that purpose) can act on the property window aspect. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/123
  • 2.0.69 01/01/2020: Bugs & Improvements
    • Improved compability with browsers before FF62.
    • Cleaner event handling on mouse button actions.
    • Aligned order of possible actions in context menus between different objects, to follow a consitent order (keeping default action first though, when there is one).
    • Added "Properties.." context menu action to items in search result pane.
    • Now using FF integrated context menus when in FF version 64 or upper, instead of BSP2 built-in emulated menus. This also allows integration / collaboration with other add-ons as described in https://piro.sakura.ne.jp/latest/blosxom/mozilla/xul/2018-10-14_override-context-on-fx64.htm Limitation: it is not possible for now to highlight default actions in bold in such a mode, so they are shown between "<" and ">".
    • Added a new context menu action "Open all in tabs", which is opening all direct children in new tabs as per native FF bookmark sidebar. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/70
    • Corrected a regression where BSP2 version bubble was not showing while hovering mouse over the magnifying glass button, when running on FF version 66 and below.
  • 2.0.68 02/12/2019: Improvements
    • Added suppport for FF themes on text and background colors of BSP2. Activate by a special option to read and follow current FF theme.
    • Added option to override text and background colors in the BSP2 sidebar (disabled by the match FF theme option). To get colors of a theme and edit them later, first set the "Override" option but without touching any value, then set the "Match active theme" option, and unset it .. the text and background input color pickers will contain the theme values and keep them for modification. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/100
  • 2.0.67 08/09/2019: Bugs
  • 2.0.66 01/09/2019: Improvements
  • 2.0.65 16/08/2019: Improvements
    • Removed the version number from the Sidebar title, this is superfluous now, as it is shown by hovering on the magnifying glass, and on the Star icon in the toolbar, and anyway not really the place for it.
    • Added new option "Reverse folder hierarchy in paths", effective in BSP2 Property popups, and in the native Bookmark sidebar, Bookmark Library and Toolbar bookmark context submenus. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/96
    • Added complex searching, allowing to select on field (both, title, url), on scope (all, current folder) and to change the match method (words, regex).
    • The "Open BSP2 in a tab" hidden menu becomes now directly accessible through that button.
  • 2.0.64 07/07/2019: Improvements
    • In case of slow save (see 2.0.63), set a maximum duration of 5 minutes on delayed saves. This is to make sure that we are not losing too many changes in case Firefox is closed while having a continued flow of bookmark changes delaying save. Typically occurs when fetching large bunches of favicons, like when BSP2 gets installed = this is to make sure we're not endlessly forgetting favicons, when fetching all of them is longer than the FF browser session and user exits it before full favicon fetching completion .. Again can only occur for very large numbers of bookmarks, so this is a very specific case.
  • 2.0.63 30/06/2019: Improvements
  • 2.0.62 08/06/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected a bug which caused an exception when dragging a bookmark to the last folder of the tree, if that one was empty.
    • Added popup display of a folder name when hovering over it in search result, like in main tree.
    • Aligned folders with other bookmark items in search results to avoid giving the impression that results after it are children of it. Added a twistie at front of it to keep it visually distinguishable from normal bookmarks in big result lists. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/84
  • 2.0.61 02/06/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Increased the number of retries for the Linux FF startup robustness feature from 3 to 10, to get some margin, as 3 seems to be the minimum number I observe when the problem occurs.
    • Fixed bad URL in bookmark when dragging and dropping the address from the address bar to the bookmark tree, it was keeping the title in it from the drag info. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/101
    • Added handling of "about:reader" URL bookmarks like normal (non protected) bookmarks. However, it is not possible to open a tab from such a bookmark since FF is preventing that by security, with the error: Illegal URL: about:reader?url=http... So nothing happens when clicking on such a bookmark (apart from the error generated in the browser console, interrupting the code execution and preventing the action). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/104
    • Accept dragging and dropping Reader type of tabs / addresses into the bookmarks tree. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/104
  • 2.0.60 1/05/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Changed the name of the Reload bookmarks button in options page to something more meaningful to all users. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/93
    • Avoid favicon fetching when refreshing the Recently Bookmarked list items by getting the original item favicon from the tree, when already existing.
    • Added retries on read from local store at FF start time. It appears that on Linux, after FF changed local storage from JSON files to Indexed DB's in FF 66, we can have failures "TransactionInactiveError: A request was placed against a transaction which is currently not active, or which is finished" when reading "local storage " as FF is starting. When this happens, this is blocking BSP2 background task in error :-(
    • Added some robustness on a few events when adding new bookmarks, to resist to some de-synchro I am seeing appeared with FF 65/66 .. :-( https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/99
  • 2.0.59 01/04/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Improved handling of FF66 bug workaround on Linux for target element which is set to body.
    • Improved handling of events to clear open context menus when right clicking inside search box or inside the trace box.
    • Corrected a bug on error logging when the error given by FF is undefined (!!), which was making the background task to stop in exception.
  • 2.0.58 30/03/2019: Improvements
  • 2.0.57 06/03/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Improved insertion as first item of an open non empty folder, which demanded precise movements to distinguish between 'folder next sibling' and 'folder first item'. Now only first item is possible, so as to avoid hassle to the user of distinguishing between the two. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/89
    • Saturated a little more the hover color to make it more visible. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/89
    • Forcing text color to black in the searchbox, in case an internal theme is overriding the sidebar page default and setting it to white on white background ...
  • 2.0.56 01/03/2019: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.55 28/02/2019: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.54 24/02/2019: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.53 16/02/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Added support for drag and drop of the URL address text selected in the Location bar.
  • 2.0.52 29/01/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected a rare bug where auto-scrolling was disabled when dragging around end of panel, in the case of dragging from outside but not triggering an initial scroll at entry (because the bookmark pane was already at its end scroll position).
    • Improved the Linux implementation on "prevent initial auto-scrolling" by simulating continuous dragover events. A bug is also filed on Bugzilla to signal that FF is not following its specs on dragover under Linux Cf. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1523769
    • Applied to the search result panel the same behavior of disabling auto-scrolling when dragging an outside element over it.
    • Changed handling of internal favicons like "folder" and "nofavicon", which for speed purpose were using img HTML elements with no src= attributes and only a background image, and use now div HTML elements instead (still with background images). Indeed, starting with FF65, img HTML elements with no src= attribute start to show 2 box-shadow: inset effects above the background image. Cf. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/83
  • 2.0.51 14/01/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Shortened the submenu name added by BSP2 to FF native context menus to "BSP2 Path to bookmark item" (removed "Show").
    • Fixed the size of both the font and place size input fields in the BSP2 Options page, and increased the size of the font one from 3em to 4em, as under XFCE this is too small and the button arrows are overlaying the text inside the input. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/81
    • Corrected a code exception occurring when dragging a bookmark item over the scrollbars.
    • Prevent initial auto-scrolling from happening when dragging from outside to inside, by temporarily disabling scrollbars until we get out of the bookmarks pane (with an hysteresis delay of 0.5s), or until we go further inside the bookmarks, to enable auto-scroll to happen while remaining inside. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/77 Note that on Linux, I do not appear to get continuous dragover events (every 350 ms as per spec https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events), so this is creating an odd effect some times, and I might end up disabling that improvement on Linux if I do not find a work around ... :-(
    • Also prevent Search result pane scrolling when dragging an element out of it.
  • 2.0.50 06/01/2019: Bugs & Improvements
    • Added a native FF context menu extension for FF bookmarks, to show their path. This is adding a "BSP2 Show path to bookmark item" specific submenu, to display the path to the bookmark item. For now, this works only on bookmarks toolbar or menu. This doesn't currently work for bookmark sidebar and library window items ... cf. API limitation on "bookmark" type -> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/menus/ContextType Let's hope it will be enabled by FF also on the bookmark sidebar and library window one day ! This is requiring a new "menus" permission, which I updated here -> https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/wiki/Permissions-and-Privacy-policy
    • Fixed the BSP2 icon not always appearing on the FF Add-ons management page.
    • Fixed a bug where an exception could occur on favicon load and convert to 16x16, when arriving after bookmark delete in a rapid sequence of add / delete.
    • Fixed a bug where the "Most visited" and "Recently Bookmarked" lists would not properly refresh if the old list was fully included from position 0 in the new list (i.e. new list having items additional to the old list, after its end).
    • Fixed rare cases of wrong search results displayed when browser.bookmarks.search() has long durations before sending back the Promise result, and there were things changing in between in the input box, or there were several searches queued and dispatched after last key stroke. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/72
  • 2.0.49 25/12/2018: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected a rare bug where dragging an element from outside the sidebar, to the sidebar, after having dragged a bookmark item inside it, was forbidding to drop the new element before or after the place of the old dragged bookmark item.
    • Added an option to space bookmark items. Default is 0px, and FYI native bookmark sidebar is 6px. I gave a max of 10px. Increments are by 2px because each increment is adding 1px on each side (top and bottom) of items. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/78
  • 2.0.48 20/12/2018: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected height of separator bookmark items, which were 1 pixel more than other bookmark items.
    • Removed the annoying effect of tree wobbling below the blue insert line, when dragging and dropping bookmark items. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/77
    • Made the blue insertion line thicker to better visually highlight the insertion point when dragging and dropping. This is also aligning with the native bookmark sidebar insertion line thickness. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/77
    • Removed the default annoying focus-ring which would now become visible under Linux as a side effect of above modifications.
  • 2.0.47 17/12/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where it was possible to drag & drop a bookmark item onto a special "place:" folder.
    • Corrected a bug where resetting to default sidebar shortcut in the options page was not effective immediately in case of 2 modifiers in the default combination (e.g. under Linux).
  • 2.0.46 16/12/2018: Improvements
  • 2.0.45 08/12/2018: Improvements
    • Added handling of left and right keyboard arrows on folders and bookmarks, as per native Bookmark sidebar. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/73
    • Added keyboard navigation in search result pane with support for up, down, pageUp, pageDown, home, end and enter keys (and shift+enter as well as ctrl+enter and alt+enter). Still missing for context menus, to come in a later release. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/46
    • Added support for "Enter" key inside the search box = it now sets the keyboard focus on the first search result (if any), to allow for further keyboard based navigation in the search result list.
  • 2.0.44 07/12/2018: Improvements
  • 2.0.43 02/12/2018: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.42 24/11/2018: Bugs & Improvements
  • 2.0.41 18/11/2018: Bugs & Improvements
    • Improved to catch the mouse middle button click at "mousedown" event and to prevent the default FF autoscroll feature to activate itself when middle clicking on a bookmark inside the sidebar. This will now only open the bookmark in a separate tab, without doing "fancy" things in the sidebar itself.
    • Changed behavior to not trigger (search bookmark + update favicon) on a tab update when we are in pause favicon fetching. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/64
    • Improved the Most visited special folder handling in FF63 and upper to take advantage of FF API topSites.get() now proposing the "includeFavicon" option. This returns the favicon of each item as a "data:" URI, avoiding favicon fetching. Also using the "limit" option to limit to 10 items instead of trunking the resulting array, for call efficiency. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/topSites/get
    • Improved to use browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo() instead of Navigator.BuildID to retrieve browser version for adapting to functions varying by version. Indeed, with FF64, Navigator.BuildID is returning a fixed value and cannot be used anymore ... https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=583181
    • Corrected a bug of not catching an error on favicon fetching for an undocumented case where Response.blob() ends in error, in some cases of favicon getUri() retrieval. This was interrupting the favicon fetching process with no hope of getting the next favicons.
  • 2.0.40 28/10/2018: Bugs & Improvements
    • Corrected a regression where modified tab events with favicon already coded as data: URL were not properly handled.
    • Better handling of visited URL history cleaning when opening bookmark property popups, and better handling of modified tab events to get tab favicons.
    • Added feature of copying bookmark item when the Ctrl key is pressed while dragging and dropping, like in native bookmark sidebar. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/63
    • Added keyboard navigation in bookmarks pane with support for up, down, pageUp, pageDown, home, end, delete and enter keys (and shift+enter as well as ctrl+enter). Still missing for context menus and search result keyboard, to come in a later release. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/46
    • Corrected a bug when refreshing contents of the most visited special folder, not showing the latest list.
  • 2.0.39 19/10/2018: Bugs
  • 2.0.38 15/10/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where dragging & dropping a tab with a URL containing "#" could end up with wrong open tab being bookmarked (bug in a workaround for an FF bug on browser.tabs.query() which returns an empty array of tabs when the searched url contains # :-( ).
  • 2.0.37 23/09/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where after some error conditions, background favicon fetching would stop until next FF restart.
  • 2.0.36 08/09/2018: Bugs & Improvements
    • Added folder sort function, respecting separators like in Native bookmark sidebar and library:
      • Sorting is case insensitive
      • Separators are sorting "frontiers" = sorting is executed only inside portions delimited by separators. I.e. two lists of bookmarks on each side of a separator in a folder are not sorted together, but sorted individually.
      • Folders are put at front before bookmarks in each individual list.
      • Cf. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/43
    • Added robustness checks to detect corruptions on saved bookmark tree, and force a reload of the bookmark tree from the FF API. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/52
    • Support for modified tabs notification when there is a cached page reload (internal URL in "wyciwyg://"). Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYCIWYG
  • 2.0.35 02/09/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Catch some background task errors resulting in "Wait background load..." hang and report them in the console log. Please report those errors on GitHub by copying the console contents on: https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/52
    • Realized TODO: added using browser.topSites API to fill the Most Visited special bookmark for those who have it. It was so far just a special icon / bookmark item without any href, or item). It is now a folder with up to 10 items inside, and is the best possible approximation to the "Most Visited" special folder in the native Bookmark sidebar if present, by using the same list as new page top sites. This requires a new permission :-( = topSites permission is now required.
    • Realized TODO: added using browser.bookmarks.getRecent() to fill the "Recently Bookmarked" special bookmark for those who have it. It was so far just a special icon / bookmark item without any href or item. It is now a folder with up to 10 items inside, and is fully aligned with the "Recently Bookmarked" special folder in the native Bookmark sidebar, if present.
    • Aligned with latest FF behavior to not anymore open the bookmark property window when dragging and dropping a link from a page, or the (i) icon in the address bar, to the bookmarks tree. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/37
    • Added an option to change the font size of the bookmarks to suit your taste, between 10 px and 16 px. Default is 12 px when the option is not set. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/56
  • 2.0.34 11/08/2018: Improvements
    • Added a "Go parent folder" action on the context menu, both for result and for bookmark pane rows. Quite useful for folders with 100 or more rows, to avoid to scroll up looking or the first less indented item (which is also eye tiring, in particular when earlier siblings are open folders). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/55
  • 2.0.33 08/08/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a regression when sorting bookmarks inside a folder from the bookmark library, where things were not displayed in right order in the folder being sorted (had to switch the sidebar off and on to get things displayed right). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/43
    • Corrected a bug where moving the last bookmark of the bookmark panel to its place (on reorder) was failing and making the bookmark invisible until next add-on recycle.
    • Corrected a bug where adding a bookmark item inside an empty folder located at end of the bookmarks panel was making the inserted object visible while the folder was closed.
    • Corrected a bug when bookmarks were deleted while retrieving their favicon, which was generating an exception. This was having no effect, but it is cleaner to not get any exception :-)
  • 2.0.32 06/08/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where the saved state may not deserialize properly and would return a null object, thus leaving BSP2 hanging in "Wait background load..." state. Now checking the returned value, and if null, forcing an FF API reload, which is longer but should always work. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/52
  • 2.0.31 28/07/2018: Bugs
    • Corrected a bug where OS Platform was not always identified from start in the sidebar (to set OS specifics for display), because of the sidebar running faster than the background page.
  • 2.0.30 21/07/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Corrected a bug where pause favicons fetching was not respected when loading bookmarks from FF API.
    • Improved to maintain counters all the time and not only during initial load. Added a counter for number of favicons remaining to fetch.
    • Corrected a bug on folders counting where "root________" was counted, while it is not visible.
    • Display counters as stats in the options panel, including a progress indicator of favicon fetching (0.0% means no more favicon to fetch). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/49
    • Corrected a bug when deleting a folder holding children where these were not removed from the internal cache. It is recommended to hit the "Reload from FF API now" button once in the add-on options panel to fully resync, although this shouldn't really create any problem, so I am not going to force it on update.
  • 2.0.29 14/07/2018: Bugs & improvements
  • 2.0.28 08/07/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Bug introduced in 2.0.27 with BSP2 waiting indefinitely on "Load FF API..". This was due to a misunderstanding from me on how to use browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener() = no event is sent on it when FF regularly restarts, but the code was waiting on it to systematically arrive in order to decide if we need to reload bookmarks from the FF API to resync or not .. and so it was hanging on normal FF restarts. This was working perfectly during test because the addon was tested as a temporary addon, and this event always gets fired in such a mode ... Cured by setting a 20 ms timeout on it, should suffice .. If timeout, this means no update nor install. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/5
    • Removed browser console traces on exchanged message with background task. They are not needed now.
  • 2.0.27 07/07/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Implemented optimization of loading the bookmark tree from local store where the add-on keeps it up to date, instead of from FF API each time. This should be the second major improvement for users with many bookmarks, after the display acceleration in 2.0.26. On my system, this is dividing by two the initial time before the tree is available when starting FF, and dividing by 4 when switching off and on the sidebar with the Action button in the toolbar (or with the shortcut key). Gains should be much bigger with high number of bookmarks. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/5 This is roughly making no difference when the add-on is first installed, since on install we have to read the FF API to get the initial bunch of bookmarks.
    • Added an option to revert to old behavior of loading the bookmark tree from FF API at each load.
    • Added a button on the options page to force FF API tree reload (disabled when in old behavior).
    • Corrected a regression introduced in 2.0.26 where a bookmark drag and drop was not displaying the favicon.
    • Improved to interpret options changes real time and not on next activation.
    • Disable "leave bookmark tree open" in options when "close search pane" is set.
    • Some cleaning of code in favicon fetching.
    • Corrected a 2.0.26 regression where the context menu was not showing when right clicking on folder favicon.
    • Added feature of displaying a suggested title calculated from the URL when a bookmark title is empty - coming from pull request from jun1x https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/pull/45
  • 2.0.26 17/06/2018: Improvements
    • Accelerated display phase by a factor between 2 and 4 depending on cases, by using cloneNode() techniques, background images for folders and for disabled favicon mode, and most of all by deferring favicon display (which is the longest piece) out of the main cycles, in background after the main display is done. Total time is roughly the same than before or a little inferior, however the bookmark tree pane is available much before. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/5
    • Added an option to revert to old favicon display behavior during main display phase, and to not defer them, in case the new behavior would create problems for some users. It is not disabling the usage of cloneNode() though, which is supposed to always have a gain.
  • 2.0.25 12/06/2018: Improvements
  • 2.0.24 10/06/2018: Improvements
  • 2.0.23 06/06/2018: Bug
  • 2.0.22 02/06/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Corrected a bug when the add-on was stopped while the favicon of a bookmark was being fetched, where the favicon was not reset to be fetched when restarting.
    • Introduced a priority process for manual "Refresh favicon" and for existing modified bookmark favicon retrieval, over initial favicon massive load on install of BSP2 = insert at head of queue, for immediate responsiveness to user action (instead of waiting the end of the massive load, which might be interrupted by an FF stop, and so the manual refresh request would be lost).
    • Significantly reduced amount of local storage and duration of load and save of bookmark tree by tuning the objects to save and by pre-JSONifying those objects instead of relying entirely on the FF API. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/40
    • Reduced further the memory saw phenomenon at initial massive favicon fetching which is happening when calling the FF API local storage set() function, by dynamically spacing them function of frequency of modifications to the tree, and by reducing the size of what to save. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/40
    • Added error handling on storage saves to detect a few errors which can come back from the FF API implying corruption of the saves .. However not all is coming back from the FF API, so this cannot catch all the cases, far from it .. :-(
    • Introduced a resiliency option of dual save slots (flip-flop) for people having trouble with local storage getting corrupted when FF is low on memory or getting out of memory. If the option is activated, each save to local store will take the other slot than previous save, preserving a fallback in case the last save was corrupted. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/40
    • Some cleanup on options format in local storage.
  • 2.0.21 30/05/2018: Improvements
  • 2.0.20 28/05/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Accelerated setting zones of no-drop or no-paste when dragging or cutting a folder with many bookmarks inside.
    • Also show bookmark in the bookmark pane when right clicking on a result in the search pane. (any click on a result row in the search pane should show the source bookmark)
    • Corrected a regression where dragging a link from a web page to the bookmarks tree pane was not creating a new bookmark. Introduced in 2.0.18.
    • Tried to decrease somewhat further amplitude of the memory "saw phenomenon" when saving favicons while fetching or converting them massively, by spacing further two continuous saves to local store (hysteris increased from 3s to 5s), to leave more time to the Garbage Collector to act. Also introduced a delay of 60s between tree build at load time and first favicon being retrieved in background, to give time to things to stabilize after display, and to users to Disable favicon fetching in the options panel and recycle the add-on for it to take effect, in case the memory saw phenomenon due to favicon fetching is really annoying and creating problems. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/40
  • 2.0.19 09/05/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Corrected an internal error happening during some drag operations. Apparently without consequence, but cleaner without. See https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/35
    • Corrected a regression where "Open parent folder(s)" menu item was not showing anymore
    • Accelerated execution of "Open parent folder(s)" when there are big numbers of bookmarks between row and its ancestors.
    • Corrected a bug where showing a second result under the same parent than previous shown result was losing the information of its visibility or not, since showing previous result already unhid everything above it.
    • Corrected a blocking bug introduced in 2.0.18 with new internal acceleration tree structure, of failure at start when a bookmark was created while the add-on was not active. Emergency fix ..
  • 2.0.18 06/05/2018: Bugs & improvements
    • Corrected a bug when moving a folder holding separators in FF 56, where separators were not shown again.
    • Corrected a bug when creating or inserting a bookmark in FF 56 as last child of its parent after separator(s) (going undetected until a non separator is created after them, because of FF 56 limitations), where this/those separator(s) was(were) not shown.
    • A little more internal traces to understand better impact of local store load / save durations.
    • Accelerated operations like copy, cut, move (drag & drop) and create new bookmark when there are lots of bookmarks, by building an internal tree representation of the bookmark nodes rather than relying solely on a flat adjacency list plus the displayed bookmark table rows with levels. This also prepares for next acceleration phase, for quick switch on and off of the sidebar, in a further release.
    • Corrected a bug where context menus where going too much on left (or on top) when the sidebar width (or height) was insufficient for the context menu width (or height). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/38
    • Improved context menus width behavior to adapt when user is setting the minimum character size in FF Options to a value higher than default menu fonts. They are now expanding to the right to avoid cutting menu items. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/38
    • Added detection of when we lose keyboard focus to close context menus if they are open. This makes context menus more friendly now. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/38
    • Added a toolbar button for switching on and off the sidebar. For now, the switch on is still a little long when there are lots of bookmarks (10000 or more). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/18 https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/36
    • Update search result to show the "waiting favicon refresh" when we refresh a favicon, if there is a search result open.
  • 2.0.17 14/04/2018: Bugs
  • 2.0.16 08/04/2018: Improvements
    • Decreased memory usage on massive favicon loads by spacing the saves to local storage. Apparently, browser.storage.local.set() is leaving significant chunks of memory to garbage collect, and having saves too close to each other (initially at each new favicon load) is not sparing enough time for the GC to officiate properly.
    • Improved display performances by around 200% through converting favicons to 16x16 when fetching them, and storing them in that format for later load and display. This avoids that conversion occurs each time the add-on is loaded, when displaying the favicons. This is so yielding a decrease of load/waiting duration by about 50% on my machine with around 1900 bookmarks and as many favicons. This is also using much less local storage + decreasing by 2 the duration to save favicons. No visual impact to favicons, thanks to rewriting on my own some of the Canvas 2d context drawImage() algorithms, which are a little poor :-( A migration task has been added to trigger only once, 1 minute after add-on loading, and until all stored valid favicons are converted, so that this improvement applies also to existing favicons. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/2
  • 2.0.15 01/04/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Fix menu sizes not being consistent on Linux variation.
    • Added an option to disable favicon retrieval, as some users really do not use favicons. Note that this allows to trigger massive refresh of all favicons, apart from the initial load at install of the add-on, by setting the option, reloading the add-on, then removing the option, and reloading again the add-on. So removing the corresponding TODO, since this is done through this sequence. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/30
    • Added option to remember size of resizable objects = search pane, and bookmark properties popup. Along with a "Reset to defaults" button to come back to defaults if needed. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/26
  • 2.0.14 25/03/2018: Bugs
  • 2.0.13 24/03/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Fix folder twistie color change when hovering the mouse on a selected folder row (it was not highlighting).
    • Added context menu on top (system) folders to allow creating bookmarks, folders and separators inside them. Also allowed paste into them, and drag and drop into them, like native sidebar. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/27
    • Modified scrolling behavior on "Show bookmark" for a search result, to now show the bookmark at center of bookmark pane, so as to make previous context visible (previous siblings, parents if not too far). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/25
  • 2.0.12 20/03/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Small adjustment to highlight colors to make things more consistent between search pane and bookmark pane.
    • Made the insertion line a little more color intense when dragging bookmarks for better visibility.
    • Firmed up support for FF56. However, there are limitations: separators are not well supported by the WebExtension API until FF57, so I have to make them non movable and non deletable. Also there is no way to create a separator in the API, so that operation is not supported. And there are cases where we can't know that there is a separator, typically when the separator is the last item in a folder. Some other limitations/bugs like new tabs cannot refer to a parent tab, so they are always created at end, and not besides current open tab. Or open bookmark in a new window does not get the sidebar loaded, you have to go to the menus or to use the shortcut key to force their loading. Or no way to have a timeout on failing connections, so favicon retrieval can be slower in case of errors. Plus probably some others I didn't catch .. => I strongly advise to upgrade to FF57 or higher ! https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/23
    • Changing minimum version of the add-on to be on FF 56, instead of FF 54. FF 56 appears to be the real minimum I can support ..
  • 2.0.11 20/03/2018: Bugs and improvements
  • 2.0.10 18/03/2018: Bugs and improvements
  • 2.0.9 12/03/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Refresh search pane on favicon change/update for a bookmark when the pane is open, in case a search result contains that bookmark, to display the favicon change in "real time".
    • Corrected a bug where pressing Enter in the Bookmark edition popup does not always save last modifications.
    • Corrected a bug which was not measuring properly save times for bookmark states when enabling traces.
    • Protect against oddities (neither bookmark nor folder nor separator, or bookmark objects which are incomplete like without a URL), and trace them. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/23
  • 2.0.8 09/03/2018: Improvements
    • Save the bookmark property popup position when closing it, and restore it at the same place. Exception: if invisible / in a different screen, then center it on same screen as browser Window. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/19
    • Added Escape and Enter keyboard shortcuts in the popup to Save/Add or Cancel/Close. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/19
    • Changed behavior of the favicon fetches to avoid annoying user/password prompts by default. This can somewhat decrease the success rate of getting favicons though, so adding an option to enable cookies passing, with the annoying side effect of these prompts. Note that clicking "Refresh favicon" on the context menu always includes authentication. This allows to "force" favicon retrieval with higher chances. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/21
  • 2.0.7 26/02/2018: Improvements
    • Large performance improvement on insert / move / delete bookmark. This was not visible with medium numbers of bookmarks (up to 10000), but getting more and more visible with very big numbers beyond that (some people have nearly 80000 bookmarks). This is now a constant and nearly instantaneous time to execute such operations on the tree, independent of the number of bookmarks or of the distance between source and destination positions in case of move.
    • Introducing experimental mode of delaying load / display of non visible bookmarks, for people having very big numbers of bookmarks (cf. nearly 80000 above). However, hitting https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1396364 .. which is putting to a halt that effort for now. This would be a major breakthrough for those people, with fast availability of the sidebar to start working with it, while hidden bookmarks are still being loaded in the sidebar behind the scene. So for now this mode is not effective, I am leaving the preference in the options page, and the code for it inside, but not activating it, until either the bug is corrected, or I devise a workaround.
    • A few adjustments to preferences panel.
    • Forbid a paste into cut folder (would lead to unpredictable result ..).
    • Added the version in the add-on title, and show it when hovering on the search magnifying glass.
  • 2.0.6 25/02/2018: Improvements
    • Added dynamic refresh of search results (if there is a search active) when a bookmark or folder (but not a separator) is created, modified or removed. This allows to keep the search pane active for longer, while working on the tree.
    • Adapted fonts on Windows platform so that Windows 7 looks more in line with Windows 10, specifying "Segoe UI" instead of "caption". This results in no change for Windows 10, as "caption" is mapped to "Segoe UI" in that platform. However, "caption" was mapped to "Tahoma" under Windows 7, ending in a very different look.
    • Decreased fonts from 13px to 12px on Mac, like in Linux, as it was a little too big compared to native FF Bookmark sidebar.
    • Added "Open parent(s)" action in context menu of a shown result, to open all parent folders if the row was hidden, and if the preference "After "Show Bookmark", leave bookmark open by default when closing search" is not set (if set, Open parent(s) is done automatically).
    • Simplified wording for preferences, using shorter sentences for better readability.
    • Gained around 10% on display performances during initial load by removing the usage of DocumentFragment, which was supposed to improve things but apparently doesn't ..
    • Prepared things for the experimental delayed load feature for large bookmark trees, which should accelerate significantly the availability of the sidebar interface. There is however a caveat :-( Per documentation, FF does not give the separators when calling bookmarks.getChildren() (nor bookmarks.get()) ..! So I have to stick for now to bookmarks.getTree() (or bookmarks.getSubTree()) which is still long in itself, and I have no way to break it in smaller pieces .. However, from experience, this is around 1/3rd of the total time, so that should still allow to be faster by a factor of around 3 for people with large number of bookmarks ...
  • 2.0.5 19/02/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Added support for drag and dropping the (i) icon of the Location bar https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/8
    • Changed shortcut for MacOS to Alt+B https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/4
    • Corrected a bug when copy-pasting into a folder
    • Changed cut behavior to leave bookmark in place, but dimmed, until it is pasted (moved) into its new place. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/15
    • Changed menu "Paste" action to "paste before" to make it more obvious, compared to "Paste into".
    • Removed a limitation that inserting/creating a bookmark was not visible immediately when under a closed folder which was however expanded because of a show result in bookmark pane.
    • Corrected a bug when dragging a link to the bookmark tree and its title had special characters like "|", which made the properties panel showing trunked information.
    • Changed order of actions in search result context menu for a bookmark to ensure the default action is always at top. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/3
    • Revamped a little the Options panel.
    • Changed default behavior on search results to always "Show bookmark" only (unless Shift is pressed at same time, which is opening the result bookmark in active tab at same time). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/14
    • Added an Advanced mode preference for users who want to keep a varying behavior when clicking on different parts of a search result bookmark, like was the case in old "Sidebar Bookmark Search Plus" (default being not checked, in line with previous item):
    • Improved context menu in Advanced mode on search result bookmarks, to highlight "Show bookmark" as default action when right clicking outside of favicon and text, and "Open" when right clicking on favicon or text. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/3
    • Added quit context menu through Esc key without selecting anything when the sidebar has focus https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/9
    • Added close search on pressing Esc key when the search input has focus https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/10
    • Added a preference <[ ] On "Show bookmark", force state to open for all ancestor folders of shown bookmark> to set to open state all folders leading to the bookmark being shown from a search result. Default value of the preference is unchecked = those folder have their current state untouched, showing all bookmarks on the path to the selected one independent of close or open state of their folders. When checked, those folders are forced to open state. In both cases, checked or unchecked, the user can modify the state of folders by clicking on twisties. And when closing the search, the tree is reset to the state of each folder at moment of search close: open folders remain open, and closed folders have their bookmarks hidden again. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/6
  • 2.0.4 12/02/2018: Bugs and improvements
    • Display text besides the animated waiting image at add-on load, to explain this is is for loading and preparing bookmarks pane.
    • Added some perf measurements in traces about loading & displaying, to prepare for assessing any perfs impact or display improvements of true asynchronous load when coming.
    • Display in traces font-family and size used by the platform to prepare for adding an option later of setting fonts.
    • Cosmetics on row highlighting
    • Streamlined display structure to gain a few marginal perfs.
    • Removed a weird effect on continuous window actions (= drag, move vertical scroll bar ..) being delayed or perturbed while loading favicons = hashed move, non responsive for some time, action registered but happening much later .. Looks ok now, but not sure of the exact cause, signal me if there is still some problems.
    • Added "Show bookmark" action in results context menu in search pane, as another way to show the source row, in addition to clicking outside favicon or text part. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/3
    • Added Shift+Click to systematically open a bookmark or search result in current tab, wherever we click on the row (without Shift, this is only when clicking on the favicon or on the text). https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/3
    • Configured Middle click on bookmarks to open in a new tab next to current bookmark. https://github.com/aaFn/Bookmark-search-plus-2/issues/3
    • Corrected a bug when dragging a tab over results rows and going to bookmarks pane, triggering a TypeError: row is undefined.
    • Corrected a bug where menu entries in bold (= default) in a context menu were not actioned.
    • Corrected a few minor bugs, no effect, but cleaner without them.
  • 2.0.3 09/02/2018: Bugs and improvements
  • 2.0.2 04/02/2018: Reduce console logging to only error cases when retrieving favicons
  • 2.0.1 04/02/2018: Initial release version
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