Options - aMarCruz/jscc GitHub Wiki

There's a few options that you can pass to jscc in a plain JavaScript object:

(default value follows the name)

values: {}

This is a plain object defining the variables used by jscc during the preprocessing.

Each key is a varname matching the regex /_[0-9A-Z][_0-9A-Z]*/, the value can have any type.

There's two predefined varnames: _FILE and _VERSION.

escapeQuotes: ""

String with the type of quotes to escape in the output of strings: 'single', 'double' or 'both'.

It does not affects the strings contained in the JSON output of objects.

keepLines: false

Allows to preserve the empty lines of directives and blocks that were removed.

Use this option with sourceMap:false if you are interested only in preserve the line count.

prefixes: ['//', '/*', '<!--']

String or array of strings with sequences that starts a directive. That is, the characters before the pound sign, usually the start of comments.

sourceMap: undefined

Set this option to false to suppress the creation of the sourcemap.

Note: In plugins such as jscc-brunch, this options will take the value given by the main tool, unless it is explicitly defined as false.

mapContent: false

Include the original source in the sourcemap, if the sourceMap option is not false.

mapHires: true

Makes a hi-res sourcemap, if the sourceMap option is not false.