Frontend Routes - a2thelee/friday-drinks-capstone GitHub Wiki



Home page

This page renders the home page regardless if a user is logged in or not. A list of top-ten cocktails will be rendered on the home page with their information available to see

  • GET /


Drinks Page

Users will see a list of all drinks on the site Users will be able to make a drink and submit a photo

  • GET /drinks
  • POST /drinks


Drink page of drink{id}

This page displays the information for a currently selected drink If this is a drink a user created, the user will be able to edit and/or delete the drink

  • GET /drinks/:id
  • PATCH /drinks/:id
  • DELETE /drinks/:id


User profile page based on {id}

This page displays information about the current user and their list of favorite drinks


  • displaying drinks based on alcoholic/non-alcoholic