User - a26214311/hhhhhhhhh GitHub Wiki
recommended each request add the following params vn=clientversion&vts=clienttimestamp
curl -d 'em=addsaa@bbb&pwd=123&n=name123' http://localhost:3333/users/register
em:email pwd:password (recommended by md5(32bits lower cases)) n:display name
{r:119} the email has been used,and your provide a wrong password
{"_id":110001,"name":"name123","resourse":{},"lastlogin":1487661207556,"score":0,"diamond":0,"r":0,"s":987743488} _id:user id (one user has a unique _id) name : user display name resourse: user resourse (a json format lastlogin: timestamp,by ms score:user score(my be used in rank diamond:user diamond r:0(0 is everything is ok,is the result is not 0,something is error) s:user session,will be user in the next request
curl -d 'em=advdsaa@bbb&pwd=123' http://localhost:3333/users/login
em:email pwd:password
{r:119} password does not match email {"_id":110001,"name":"name123","resourse":{},"lastlogin":1487661207556,"score":0,"diamond":0,"r":0,"s":987743488} detail in above