WiFi DaynaPORT Ethernet emulation - ZuluSCSI/ZuluSCSI-firmware GitHub Wiki

ZuluSCSI Pico Wi-Fi Setup


  • A ZuluSCSI Pico, paired with a Pico W is required to utilize SCSI Ethernet emulation.
  • A Macintosh computer running System 6 or later.
  • Either OpenTransport or MacTCP.

OpenTransport is recommended for machines running System 7.1 and later, OpenTransport requires a 68030 or greater (including PowerPC) CPU, as well as 5MB of RAM, minimum. If your machine is not equipped with the above prerequisites, you must use MacTCP, which does not support DHCP.

Expected Performance

TCP throughput in a best-case scenario, with a relatively fast machine, can read ~120 kilobytes/sec, but on slower machines, you should expect to see much lower throughputs, usually less than dial-up speed (40-50 kilobytes/sec)


To enable a DaynaPORT SCSI Ethernet device, create an empty file on your SD card named "NEx.img", where x is the desired SCSI ID.

The Wi-Fi SSID and passphrase should be defined in your zuluscsi.ini file, using the following syntax:


A MAC address is automatically generated by the firmware, but if you want to specify a MAC address, you can add WiFiMACAddress=CA:FE:DE:AD:BE:EF to your zuluscsi.ini file.

Software Configuration

Under classic Mac OS, you will need to use either MacTCP or OpenTransport. Note that MacTCP does not support DHCP, so you will need to assign your own IP address within System 6/7. Additionally, you must install the DaynaPORT SCSI/Link driver, which can be, which can be downloaded from archive.org