Label - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

This page describes the content of a CZMLSecondaryObject document. Please read CZMLSecondaryObject for the intern architecture of CZMLPrimaryObjects.


The label allows to display the name of a given object in the simulation.


color - Color : The RGBA color of the label. default : red = 0, green = 255, blue = 255, alpha = 255.

show - boolean : Whether the label is displayed or not, default : true.

cesiumHorizontalOrigin - CesiumHorizontalOrigin : The horizontal origin of the label, which determines whether the label image is left-, center-, or right-aligned with the horizontal position. It can take the values :

  • LEFT
  • default : LEFT

cesiumVerticalorigin - CesiumVerticalOrigin : The vertical origin of the label, which determine whether the label image is left-, center-, or right-aligned with the vetical position. It can take the values :

  • BOTTOM : The bottom of the item is located at the position.
  • CENTER : The item is at the vertical center between the Baseline and the Top
  • TOP : The top of the item is located at the position.
  • BASELINE : If the object contains text, the origin is at the baseline of the text, otherwise the origin is at the bottom of the object.
  • default : CENTER

text - String : The text to be displayed on the simulation

labelStyle - LabelStyle : The style of a label.

  • FILL - The text of the label is filled, but not outlined.
  • OUTLINE - The text of the label is outlined, but not filled.
  • FILL_AND_OUTLINE - The text of the label is both filled and outlined.
  • default : FILL_AND_OUTLINE

Intrinsinc arguments

Object - Object : A basic object of java


The label object can be build with :

  • A text, a color, a cesiumHorizontalOrigin, a cesiumVerticalOrigin, a labelStyle, a show :
Label label = new Label(text, color, cesiumHorizontalOrigin, cesiumVerticalOrigin, labelStyle, show);
  • A java Object :
Label label = new Label(object);