Protocol - Zomis/Server GitHub Wiki

Client-Server Protocol

The server is designed with flexibility in mind. The server is meant to be able to handle several different types of games. For example, both Battleship and Ultimate Tic Tac Toe.

Additionally, the server has itself no restriction on how many games a client can play with at once (primarily in order to support computer-controlled opponents, so called "bots" or "AIs").


All messages from you to the server needs to be terminated by the line feed character, \n.

All messages from the server to you will also be terminated by the line feed character, \n.

Don't forget to flush your sockets!


Send USER xxx username password

The xxx and password parts are currently ignored. username needs to be unique at the moment, otherwise the server will not accept you.

Invite a player

INVT gametype username

This will send an invite to the username username to play the game type gametype.

Current available gametypes is: UTTT and Battleship

Accept Invite:

From server: INVT id gametype username

Send: INVY id

Reject Invite:

From server: INVT id gametype username

Send: INVN id

Game start

From server: NEWG gameid playerIndex

When you receive this, it means that the server now considers you to be playing in the gameid noted by gameid, as the player index playerIndex (0 = first player, 1 = second player, and so on).