Home - ZolotovaNatalia/JavaCourse_2017 GitHub Wiki
Quickstart guide
To start this course you need to install :
Press checkbox 'Accept License Agreement' and download a file that fits to your computer architecture. For Windows choose jdk-8u144-windows-i586.exe, for Mac OS - jdk-8u144-macosx-x64.dmg.
After downloading install it.
For Windows see here a helper video : how to install Java on Windows
For Mac OS: how to install Java on Mac OS
- Download any text editor, for example, Sublime:
After downloading install it.
For Windows see here a helper video : how to install Sublime on Windows
For Mac OS: how to install Sublime on Mac OS
- Download Intellij IDEA
For Windows : how to install Intellij IDEA on Windows
For Mac OS: how to install Intellij IDEA on Mac OS. Here you don't have to create a first project, but of course you can practice yourself using the instructions in the video.