may 8th - ZohairDaniel/CovidSite GitHub Wiki

May 8th Log

Today I had a fully operational map for the three-page website. I was creating the first button while Daniel was creating the navbar.

Making the Buttons

The first button was easy to make I just made a button normally, gave it an id, an onclick, and name. next, I took the onclick's function and put all the confirmed cases into it. this was my first button done (the name of the function was "conf" for short but really "confirmed function"). Next, I made the second button using the same technique using the function "ref" or recover function. after this, I made a third button using the function "deaf" or the death function.


When I clicked on the buttons the circles for the affected areas would show up but they would not go away when I was to click on another button. Hence all the circles were overlapping. To get rid of this, I thought of making a clear button. I made the button but was having a hard time finding what to put into it. I did not know how to clear a specific layer off of a map. After extensive research, I was not able to find anything and had to conclude for the day leaving me with an unfinished clear button. I was able to remove the map behind the circles but in the end that didn't do me any good. END.