Meeting Minutes 1 - Zlatkoo25/CSE327-project GitHub Wiki

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Date/Location: 04-10-2024, Discord


Attendees: Zaid Zarifur Rahman (ZZ) , MD Tamim (TA) , Mirza Farhan (MF), Nafew Azim (NA), Abrar Faiyaz (AF) , Afifa Rahman (AR)

Start Time: 12.00 am

End Time: 12.40am

Information Updates/Reminders


* The next 6-8 weeks, we are going to work on a project.

* Everyone should be able to use git, github wiki’s, Trello




* Python Programming Language is selected for the project.


* Django is selected as a FrameWork.






1. Research about at least two coding standards.

2. came up with at least one Documentation Tool (two if possible).

3. Early phase of design ( Database schema , class diagram , domain vocabulary)  



Action Allocated team member(s) deadline
Action-1 ZZ , AF 10/10/2024
Action-2 TA ,  MF 10/10/2024
Action-3 NA ,  AR 10/10/2024


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️