Meeting Agenda 1 - Zlatkoo25/CSE327-project GitHub Wiki

Meeting Agenda

Date/Location: 04-October-2024 at 12.00am Discord

Information Updates/Reminders


  • The next 6-8 weeks, we are going to work on a project.

  • Everyone should be able to use git, github wiki’s, Trello, discord.

Decisions Needed


  • Decision about the programming language that the team will use in the project.

  • Decision about the frameworks (for implementation purposes) that the team will use in the project.

General Items


  • Need a Trello board created for this project and team. Actions and other details will be posted there. Columns used need to be decided. Someone needs to create and invite other team members.

  • Need to create discord channels for each part of program like SRS , UML diagram, idea and development

  • Need a github account for this project. One team member will create a repo in github and invite the rest of the team members.

  • Need github wiki pages to document project details.

  • Allocate two team members to check coding standards. They should come up with at-least 2 coding standards.

  • Allocate two team members to check documentation tool(s). They should come up with at-least 1/2 tools (with brief summary of the usage, advantages and disadvantages) for source code level documentation and .

  • Allocate two team members to do Early phase of design ( Database schema , class diagram , domain vocabulary)