Pages - ZingPHP/Zing GitHub Wiki

Pages are groupings of code, or code that does similar things. They are used to build pages, and they should extend the Zing framework in order to use the framework. They should also be placed within your website, for example: websites/Pages/Home.php.

There are multiple ways to access a page, and they look like this:

  • Default
    • - Defaults to Pages/Home.php>>Home::main()
    • - Goes to Pages/Settings.php>>Settings::main()
    • - Goes to Pages/Settings.php>>Settings::email()
  • Routing
    • Inside the config file, you can set your own paths. See Page Routing for more information.

The following snippet is the minimum a page should have, main() is not required but it is suggested.


// Create a default landing page for when someone hits
class Home extends Zing{

    public function main(){
        // This is the default page that runs
        // if no other page is specified


Pages can use modules that have been defined in the Zing core, for example:

class Home extends Zing{

    public function main(){
        echo '<form method="post" action="./home/email">';
        echo '<p><input type="email" placeholder="email" /></p>';
        echo '<p><input type="submit" value="Show My Email" /></p>';
        echo '</form>';

    public function email(){
        $email = $this->input->post("email");
            echo "You entered: <b>$email</b>";
            echo "You entered an invalid email";



Any ajax request that you would like to do should pipe through the ajax path. Then in your page, you would then append Ajax to the method name, take this URL:

It would then look something like this in your page class:

class Home extends Zing{

    public function emailAjax(){
        echo json_encode("[email protected]");


Note: You can not use templates in your AJAX requests

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