Player Model Overlay - ZigyTheBird/ZigysPlayerAnimatorAPI GitHub Wiki

Allows you to add bones and cubes to the player model in blockbench and animate them!
Builtin example triggered using the command /playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:gecko
To do this simply add any bones/cubes you want to the base player model and animate them. Export the animations and put them in the player_animation folder under the assets folder (Or just use a Blender emote if you want).
Then make sure the player has a transparent texture (Or a second player will get rendered) then export the model, texture and animation (again).
This might help:
Here is where you should put everything:

  • Animation: assets/<namespace>/animations/player_animation/<name>.animation.json
  • Model: assets/<namespace>/geo/player_animation/<name>.geo.json
  • Texture: assets/<namespace>/textures/player_animation/<name>.png


Yes it's player_animation not player_animations since this whole system was written before the name change in 1.21.


This feature requires GeckoLib to be installed. (AzureLib for pre-1.21)

If you are familiar with GeckoLib you may find the GeckoControllerRegistry class useful.

Now you should point the player animation to the other resources.

For GeckoLib player animations

Add the line "geckoResource": "<namespace>:<name>", for every animation in the file like this:

	"format_version": "1.8.0",  
	"animations": {  
		"anim": {  
			"geckoResource": "<namespace>:<name>",  
			"animation_length": 2,  
			"bones": {  
		"anim2": {  
			"geckoResource": "<namespace>:<name>",  
			"animation_length": 2,  
			"bones": {  

Of course you can also point each animation to a seperate set of files if you want.

For Blender player animations

Add the line "geckoResource": "<namespace>:<name>", to the animation file just like this:

    "name": "name",
    "author": "Your name",
    "description": "description",
    "geckoResource": "<namespace>:<name>"
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