Examples - ZigyTheBird/ZigysPlayerAnimatorAPI GitHub Wiki

Play a simple wave animation

    public static final ResourceLocation wave = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "wave");

public static void example(ServerLevel level, Player player) { PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, wave); }
/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:wave

PlayerParts showcase disabling left arm animations

You can see vanilla animations apply to the left arm!

    public static final ResourceLocation wave = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "wave");
    public static final PlayerParts partsWithoutLeftArm() {
        PlayerParts part = new PlayerParts();
        return part;

public static void example(ServerLevel level, Player player) { PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, wave, partsWithoutLeftArm(), null, -1); }
/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:wave -1 -1 -1 false "axq5j8jrytibv8jj" null

PlayerParts showcase making the left arm invisible

    public static final ResourceLocation wave = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "wave");
    public static final PlayerParts partsInsisible() {
        PlayerParts part = new PlayerParts();
        return part;

public static void example(ServerLevel level, Player player) { PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, wave, partsInvisible(), null, -1); }
/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:wave -1 -1 -1 false "axq5j8k4d6a163gf" null

Mirror modifier

You can see the wave animation now applies to the right arm instead of the left arm.

    public static final ResourceLocation wave = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "wave");  
    public static final ResourceLocation MIRROR = new ResourceLocation("player-animator", "mirror");  
    public static final List MODIFIERS = new ArrayList<>(){{add(new CommonModifier(MIRROR, null));}};

public static void example(ServerLevel level, Player player) { PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, wave, null, MODIFIERS, -1); }
/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:wave -1 -1 -1 false null "player-animator:mirror"

Make camera use the rotation and movement from the animation

This one contains two examples to see both the rotation and the movement of the camera affected.

    public static final ResourceLocation posboundtest = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "posboundtest");  
    public static final ResourceLocation geckoaxischecky = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorapi", "geckoaxischecky");  
    public static final ResourceLocation HEADPOSBOUNDCAMERA = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorAPI", "headposboundcamera");  
    public static final ResourceLocation HEADROTBOUNDCAMERA = new ResourceLocation("playeranimatorAPI", "headrotboundcamera"); 
    public static final List MODIFIERS = new ArrayList<>(){{add(new CommonModifier(HEADPOSBOUNDCAMERA, null)); add(new CommonModifier(HEADROTBOUNDCAMERA, null));}};

public static void example(ServerLevel level, Player player) { PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, posboundtest, null, MODIFIERS, -1); }
public static void example2(ServerLevel level, Player player) {
    PlayerAnimAPI.playPlayerAnim(level, player, geckoaxischecky, null, MODIFIERS, -1);

/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:posboundtest -1 -1 -1 false null "playeranimatorapi:headrotboundcamera;playeranimatorapi:headposboundcamera"  
/playPlayerAnimation @p playeranimatorapi:geckoaxischecky -1 -1 -1 false null "playeranimatorapi:headrotboundcamera;playeranimatorapi:headposboundcamera"
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