Tournament Singles - Zicerite/Gavania-Project GitHub Wiki

The Following below are results from each Singles tournament held in Gavania. The Class names each player used is also displayed with them.

July 28 2018 1v1 best of 1, 3 stock tournament:

1st Place: Vgmusz (Deity)

2nd Place: Fountainboy (Swordsman, Dragon-Knight)

3rd Place: accappy (Archdemon)

Octover 5 2018 1v1 best of 3, 3 stock tournament:

1st Place: Vgmusz (Deity, Automation)

2nd Place: Accappy (Archdemon, Archangel)

3rd Place: GallantEffort (Dragon-Knight, Swordsman)

4th Place: Fountainboy (Bard, Swordsman, Dragon-Knight)

5th Place: Unintuitive (Deity, Beast)

6th Place: Yeas (Dragon-Knight, Beast)

Febuary 16 2018 1v1 best of 3, 3 stock tournament:

Coming Soon